Friday, June 24, 2011
The Catholic Defender: Rely upon His Mercy

Thursday, June 23, 2011
*BEST OF DTB #93* The Catholic Defender: Risk Factors

In the Army, there are always risk factors that concerns safety that affects any Command when performing any mission. We always had to put together a "Risk Assessment" so that the risk could be reduced when conducting a mission. Marching Soldiers could have high risk factors such as marching across a road with on coming traffic. You reduce the risk by using "Road Guards" that takes a potentially high risk into a low risk classification.
By conducting and putting in place certain precautions, we can have a positive outcome in the management of health and safety in our lives.
With this in mind, I was thinking about identifying risk factors that affect our faith. Today, many people's faith are affected by many risk factors.
Hosea warns us that many are destroyed due to the lack of knowledge. So the lack of knowledge is a high risk factor.
How can this be reduced?
By taking the initiative to know your faith. Studying the Catechism, the bible, reading about the lives of the Saints, reading spiritual books and other publications that increase our understanding. To become better informed in our faith greatly reduces the problem with knowledge.
Catholic Answers, Defenders of the Catholic Faith (DCF) and deepertruth are just three examples of keeping oneself informed on the many topics of our faith.
Jesus warns that a person who is "lukewarm" will not make the grade either.
Apathy, laziness, indifference, compromise with the world, these things attack the very core of faith.
To counter these risk factors, you need to discipline yourself, to commit yourself to follow God's will.
Sin has many risk factors that leads people astray. St. Paul warns on many occasions that those who live in Mortal sin will not inherit the Kingdom God. Mortal sin leads people away from the Catholic Faith. Leads them away from God.
To reduce these risks factors we would need to avoid the near occasion of sin, to frequent the Sacraments such as Confession often. To be aware of the dangers of sin, and avoid sin.
To follow the teachings of the Catholic Faith is the only true way of surrending to God's will.
We respect other who may disagree with the Church, but we must be mindful of Christ and His Church.
Doctrinally, morally, spiritually, some will fall away. Can we diagnose and detect early warning signs that might help prevent a prodigal journey?
Can truth be hidden from view when it is right in front of you?
What prevents you from seeing? These are questions that need answers, the risk assessments need to be applied to reduce the risk factors. Remember one important proverb: "The family that prays together, stays together"!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
* BEST OF DTB #92* Faith and Love
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The Catholic Defender: Friend like you

This coming July marks the 1 year anniversary with my joining up with deepertruth and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
To see the effects from all over the world knowing that we have people visiting us and following us as we continue to move forward in our journey of Faith.
I know that I have been enriched tremendously as a result of doing the Lord's will.
The Holy Father has made it clear that the Church should be visible even on hyberspace.
I want to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" for your continued support and prayers.
May the next coming year be as challenging and fruitful as this past year. Most importantly, may our faith always continue to grow.
If we have shared anything that has helped any one of you, the praise and glory goes to the Lord! We are family no matter where we are planted.
I pulled out an old video I wanted to share today and I hope that you all will enjoy it. May God continue to bless you all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Catholic Defender: A Message from Donna Cori Gibson

His Missionary Intention of June: "That the Holy Spirit may bring forth from our communities many missionaries who are ready to be fully consecrated to spreading the Kingdom of God".
This is the heart of our Mission Statement here at deepertruth.
Basically that we know our faith, love our faith, and spread our faith. Donna Cori Gibson will be giving her story of faith in Jesus Christ through his Holy Catholic Faith here on deepertruth. It all starts at 1900 (7:00 P.M. Eastern) 22 June 2011. Here is a message from Donna!

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Not Exactly Catholic: My Son Has a Super Power
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Now that I am trying to become who I was made to be and not reacting to my every whim, I am much happier. As much improved as I am, I had a longer way to come than most, so I am well aware, most of the time, that I follow God's will imperfectly and am apt to need redirection in unexpected moments. God has blessed me with the type of friends who are willing to help me in this regard. They won't let me get away with pettiness and smallness without gently calling me to something better. I'm happy to report that this is not a frequent occurrence.
Being so close to my old habits of sinfulness, it's usually me who has benefited from spiritual redirection from my friends. Not so the other day when I heard: "Why do people like that even come to retreats?"
Whoops. In that split second, I was tempted to let the comment pass. What if she got mad at me? Is it really that bad? Since it smacked of pride and since I knew she'd do the same service for me, I took a breath and dove in. "We're all 'people like that,'" I reminded her. She readily agreed, corrected herself, and added, "They're just not sinning my sins." No big deal. We continued on, discussed the nature of sin, large and small, and in doing so bettered ourselves a bit, or at least bolstered our resolve not to backslide on our backsides. I was glad I braved the subject.
We're all falling so short of perfection that we need almost continual redirection, so I am grateful that I have this woman for my friend. Not only is she trying her best to serve God, she's ready to stand corrected if she doesn't. She is cheerful about it all and much more gentle in her redirection of me. I wish all the world had such a treasure.
Happiness is often found in a true friend.
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Friday, June 10, 2011
Ed Hara on Deeper truth

Ed Hara will be our guest tonight on Deeper Truth to tell us his story of conversion from Calvinism to Catholicism. Don't miss it! If you want to call in and be on the program, the number is 646-595-2071
The show kicks off at 7 PM Eastern/ 6 PM Central
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Catholic Defender: Congressman Anthony Weiner

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Catholic Defender: Wait With Anticipation

Saturday, June 4, 2011
* BEST OF DTB #90* Secular Judgmentalism! New and Improved!

Most of us are trying, though. That's the thing. People like me? Yeah, I'd be much worse and harder to deal with without religion. I know from personal experience I was a really awful jerk as an unrepentant heathen. I'm still a really awful jerk, but now I apologize every once in awhile.
It's not much of a brake on me, but it's better than the no brakes thing I had going on before my conversion. It's really not my religion's fault that I am a jerk. I was a jerk before. I'm a slightly less jerky jerk now. The reason I'm not more improved is because I'm lazy not because of any fault of my religion. My faults are still my fault.
At any rate, for all of you out there holding up your nose, pointing fingers, and calling names like "hypocrite" and "they're no better than anybody else," you know you're right. Thing is, we do, too. We know we aren't better. We're trying to be better, but we know we all fall short. Some of us are closer to the mark in some areas, some in others. We're all pretty bad at this.
The only real difference between a Christian and a nonChristian is Christ, so there you go. Enjoy all the finger pointing and hypocrisy on your side of the fence. We'll be praying for you. We'll be over here trying our best at better.
Using other people's shortcomings as an excuse not to even try is not the best way to live, but you can keep at it. I did for years. I felt really superior doing it, too, so I know just how you feel.
Feel free to be better than me. Anytime!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The Catholic Defender: Thank You Mother

I was digging into an old issue of "The Mirror" dated October 16, 2009.
There was a Letter to the Editor that gained my interest. It was the headliner, "Much the same, 31 years later" that caught my eye.
The writer states, "I recently came across a copy of "The Mirror" dated April 16, 1978.
I particularly enjoyed a letter to the editor therein by Mary Ann McKinney of St. Catherine Parish, Humansville, MO. The subject was her parish priest and it follows here:
"Dear Editor: I was having a conversation with someone about parish priests. I was asked about ours. Who he is, to what order he belongs, what he looks like, ect. To all questions except his name, I could only reply: 'I don't know'.
'I doubt if I'd recognize him on the street without his collar'. 'We call him 'the road runner' because he has to hit three churches on the run'. 'He spends little time with us socially'. 'He's just 'Father'. Then I realized what I was doing. Without this 'He's just 'Father' I would still be fallen away, alone, and wretched.
I remembered my old Maryknoll Missal, victim of flood damage years ago, with pages all stuck together, pictures faded and colors run together. Where was it? When I crawled behind his chair to grope among my old books, my husband looked at me as if I had finally gone over the top! But it was still there, okay.
The pages came apart and there were all the litanies, prayers, and that great old forgotten friend, the Regina Caeli for Eastertime. And the prayer for missioners to which I added, sincerely, 'O Divine Wayfarer, thank you for our road runner and may his tires not go flat, his transmission not fall out, or he suffer a misadventure on the road before he can get to us, who like pouting children whose parent has to work to do and cannot come out to play, complain that we don't get enough attention!
May the strong winds be at his back as he brings me my life, my hope, my strength, and my salvation in the Body of Christ. Amen".
As I read this I felt how much this reminded me of my Mother. She had a lot of great wit about her.
My Mother's faith is what I was able to see and then experience and thank God for my Mother.
Everything I do for the Lord, for every person that I help bring to the Lord, I do all of it in honor of my Mother. I would not be who I am if it wasn't for my Mother. She is in the hands of Our Good Lord, and I know that Our Heavenly Mother is with my Mother.
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The Catholic Defender: The David and Selia Story

David and Selia Byrd are both converts to the Catholic Faith. David was recieved in the Church while deployed to Iraq, Selia was recieved this last Easter Vigil. Come listen as the Byrd's share their Journey to the Cathoic Faith. David was a Non-denomination follower and Selia was a Jehovah's Witness. This should prove interesting! This show is for this Friday (3 June), 7:00 P.M. Easter, 6:00 Central
Today is the feast of St.Justin Martyr, he also was a convert to the Catholic Faith. He paid the highest sacrifice giving his life as a witness to Christ. Like St. Paul, he was beheaded along with a number of friends who would not deny Christ.
The Catholic Faith continues to reach out to those willing to follow Christ. Jesus states, "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he (Holy Spirit) comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you".
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