I want to dedicate this prayer for the needs of our families and our Nation.
This is composed by Rev. John H Hampsch, C.M.F.
Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child in great need of your help; I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect, and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects on me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body, mind, and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.
With your help I sincerely forgive everyone, especially living or dead members of my family tree who have directly offended me or my loved ones in my family tree who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine Son Jesus, and in the power of his Holy Spirit, I ask you, Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one. Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships and those in extended family relationships from every contaminating form of bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your Precious Son, Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect in future generations of my family tree.
I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the blood lines in my family linage. Set your protective angels to encamp around us, and permit Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing, to administer your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability. Give special power to our family members' guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let your healing power be released at this very moment and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.
In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding in family love. And let there be an ever deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to your Son, Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family, with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus precious name. Amen.
I want to ask for prayer for those needing jobs and work to maintain their households. That our economy will turn around. There is much pain and suffering due to people losing their homes and property. May God bless America.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Catholic Defender: HHS, Obama's New Gestapo
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been hijacked by an elitist leftist group of Progressives.
I recently wrote "Obama's War on Catholicism" that I share my concern for the future of our Country.
Today, the Catholics issued a letter to be read in all our Parish's informing the public of the HHS ruling. This will affect each and everyone of us.
What it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Our Shephards are calling for us to stand up and be counted.
First pray for the Bishops as they are going to be targeted.
Pray for all our Priests who will have to lead the fight. Pray for the whole people of God that religious libverty will be fully maintained. The following is a response from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
On August 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an 'interim final rule' to require virtually all private health plans to include coverage for all FDA-approved prescription contraceptives, female sterilization procedures, and related 'patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity.' These are listed among 'preventive services for women' that all health plans will have to include without co-pays or other cost-sharing -- even if the insurer, the employer or other plan sponsor, or the woman herself object to such coverage. There have been many protests, including formal comments filed with the HHS by many organizations and a petition signed by over 430 Catholic leaders (see www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/religious-liberty/conscience-protection/). However, on January 20, 2012, HHC decided not to make any significant change in its rule. Important points:
1. Pregnancy Not a Disease
- The mandate treats a healthy pregnancy as a disease in need of 'prevention,' like breast cancer or AIDS (which other 'preventative services' on HHS's list do legitimately seek to prevent). In reality, some of the mandated contraceptives are associated with an increased risk of AIDS, blood clots leading to stroke, and other ailments. Inclusion of these drugs places HHS's efforts to prevent disease at war with itself.
- The claim that greater access to contraceptives will reduce abortions is not supported by the facts (http://old.usccb.org/prolife/issues/contraception/contraception-fact-sheet-3-17-11.pdf). The contraceptive mandate's strongest advocates are groups that perform and promote abortion, who hope a coverage mandate for 'prevention' will encourage government and others to see abortion as a 'cure'.
- Everyone deserves access to basic life-affirming health care, and health care reform is supposed to serve that goal. The effect of this mandate is just the opposite, as it pressures organizations to drop their health coverage for emplyees and others altogether if they have a moral or religious objection to these particular item.
2 The Problem of Abortifacient Drugs
- By requiring coverage for all drugs approved for contraception and 'emergency contraception' by the FDA, the mandate includes drugs that can interfere with implantation in the womb and therefore destroy the early human embryo.
- One such drug already approved, 'Ella' (ulipristal), is similar to the abortion drug RU-486 in its formula and its ability to cause an abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy. The new health care reform law forbids HHS to mandate coverage of abortion, but it is doing so here.
3 Violating Religious Freedom and Rights of Conscience
- The rule has an incredible narrow religious exemption for 'religious employers' (not insurers, schools with student health plans, or families purchasing insurance). Even religious employers are exempt only if their purpose is to inculcate religious doctrine, they hire and serve mainly people of their own faith, and they qualify as a church or religious order in a narrow part of the tax code. Most religious institutions providing health, educational or charitable services to others have no protection. Jesus himself would not qualify as 'religious enough,' since he healed the needy regardless of religious affiliation and taught followers to do the same (see the parable of the Good Samaritan).
- HHC says this exemption is like those enacted by most states that have a contraceptive coverage mandate, but that is false. None of the state mandates covers as wide an array of health plans, and the great majority have broader protection for religious freedom.
- Many federal laws exempt individuals and institutions from having to take part in health services against their moral or religious convictions; some of these laws specifically protect from forced involvement in contraception or sterilization (http://old.usccb.org/prolife/issues/abortion/crmay08.pdf). HHS is violating this long federal tradition, and needs to return to it. Congress should also appreve the 'Respect for Rights of Conscience Act' (H.R. 1179, S. 1467) to ensure that this happens.
How important is the right of conscience in American tradition?
It has always been a paramount importance: 'No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against enterprises of the civil authority' (Thomas Jefferson, 1809). In the past, has the federal government respected conscientious objections to procedures such as sterilization that may violate religious beliefs or moral convictions? Yes. For example, a law in effect since 1973 says that no individual is required to take part in 'any part of a health service program or research activity funded in whole or in part under a program administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services' if it is 'contrary to his religious beliefs or moral convictions' (42 USC 300a-7 (d). Even the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which requires most of its health plans to cover contraception, exempts religiously affiliated plans and protects the conscience rights of health professionals in the other plans. Currently no federal law requires anyone to purchase, sell, sponsor, or be covered by a private health plan that violates his or her consscience.
How has the Department of Health and Human Services departed from this policy?
By Issuing a mandate for coverage of sterization and contraceptives (including long-lasting injections and implants, and 'morning-after pills' that may cause an early abortion) in virtually all private health plans. In August 2011 HHS included these procedures in a list of 'preventive services for women' to be required in health plans issued on or after August 1, 2012. On January 20,2012, HHS reaffirmed its mandate while deferring enforcement against some religious employers until August 2013.
Is it appropriate to require coverage of these as 'preventive services'?
No. The other services on HHS's list seek to prevent serious disease - breast cancer, lung cancer, AIDS. Pregnancy is not a disease. The Institute of Medicine committee that compiled the 'preventive services' list for HHS said in its report that unintended pregnancy is a 'condition for which safe and effective prevention and treatment' need to be more widely available - setting the stage for mandated coverage of abortion as the 'treatment' when prevention fails. Note that women who suffer from infertility, which really is an illness, were ignored in this mandate.
Didn't HHS include a religious exemption?
Yes, an incredibly narrow 'religious employer' exemption that fails to protect many, perhaps most, religious employers. To be eligible an organization must meet four strict criteria, including the requirement that it both hire and serve primarily people of its own faith. Catholic schools and hospitals would have to eject their non-Catholic employees, students and patients, or purchase health coverage that violates their moral and religious teaching. Jesus and his apostles would not have been 'religious enough' for the exemption, since they healed and served people of different faiths. The exemption provides no protection at all to sponsors and providers of health plans for the general public, to pr0-life people who own business, or to individuals with a moral or religious objection to these procedures.
Isn't this an aspect of the Administration's drive for broader access to health care for all?
Whether or not it was intended that way, it has the opposite effect. People will not be free to keep the coverage they have now that respects their convictions. Organizations with many employees will have to violate their consciences or stop offering health benefits altogether. And resources needed to provide basic health care to the uninsured will be used instead to facilitate IUDs and Depo-Provera for those who already had ample coverage. This is a diversion away from universal health care.
But won't this provide 'free birth control' for American women?
That claim is false for two reasons. First, the coverage will be mandated, not a matter of free choice for any woman. Second, insurance companies will not be able to charge a co-pay or deductible for the coverage, so they will simply add the cost to the standard premium everyone has to pay - and among those being required to pay will be people who oppse it on conscience grounds. That is not victory for freedom.
By objecting to this coverage, is the Catholic Church discriminating against women?
Not at all. The Church's teaching against early abortion is based on respect for all human life, male and female. It's teaching against contraception and sterilization is based on respect for the power to help generate a new human life, a power held by both men and women - so health plans in accord with Catholic teaching do not cover male or female sterilization. It is the HHS mandate that shows disregard for women, by forcing them to purchase this coverage whether they want it or not.
Do religious employers violate the consciences of women who want birth control, by refusing to cover it in their employee health plans?
No, they simply decline to provide active support for procedures that violate their own consciences. If an employee disagrees, he or she can simply purchase that coverage or those procedures elsewhere.
What solution to this dispute would be acceptable?
Ideally, HHS can leave the law the way it has always been, so those who provide, sponsor and purchase health coverage can make their own decisions about whether to include these procedures without the federal government imposing one answer on everyone. If HHS refuses, it will be especially urgent for Congress to pass the 'Respect for Rights of Conscience Act' (HR 1179/S. 1467). to prevent health care reform act from being used to violate insurers' and purchasers' moral and religious beliefs.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, acting as Shephards, are alerting the faithful to the coming danger that will ensnare us all if we do not stand up against this terrible threat against human life and religious freedom.
This November will be the most important elections in our times. Pray the Rosary for the conversion of sinners, pray and fast for our nation as it is in great need for the Church to take a stand.
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I recently wrote "Obama's War on Catholicism" that I share my concern for the future of our Country.
Today, the Catholics issued a letter to be read in all our Parish's informing the public of the HHS ruling. This will affect each and everyone of us.
What it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Our Shephards are calling for us to stand up and be counted.
First pray for the Bishops as they are going to be targeted.
Pray for all our Priests who will have to lead the fight. Pray for the whole people of God that religious libverty will be fully maintained. The following is a response from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
On August 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an 'interim final rule' to require virtually all private health plans to include coverage for all FDA-approved prescription contraceptives, female sterilization procedures, and related 'patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity.' These are listed among 'preventive services for women' that all health plans will have to include without co-pays or other cost-sharing -- even if the insurer, the employer or other plan sponsor, or the woman herself object to such coverage. There have been many protests, including formal comments filed with the HHS by many organizations and a petition signed by over 430 Catholic leaders (see www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/religious-liberty/conscience-protection/). However, on January 20, 2012, HHC decided not to make any significant change in its rule. Important points:
1. Pregnancy Not a Disease
- The mandate treats a healthy pregnancy as a disease in need of 'prevention,' like breast cancer or AIDS (which other 'preventative services' on HHS's list do legitimately seek to prevent). In reality, some of the mandated contraceptives are associated with an increased risk of AIDS, blood clots leading to stroke, and other ailments. Inclusion of these drugs places HHS's efforts to prevent disease at war with itself.
- The claim that greater access to contraceptives will reduce abortions is not supported by the facts (http://old.usccb.org/prolife/issues/contraception/contraception-fact-sheet-3-17-11.pdf). The contraceptive mandate's strongest advocates are groups that perform and promote abortion, who hope a coverage mandate for 'prevention' will encourage government and others to see abortion as a 'cure'.
- Everyone deserves access to basic life-affirming health care, and health care reform is supposed to serve that goal. The effect of this mandate is just the opposite, as it pressures organizations to drop their health coverage for emplyees and others altogether if they have a moral or religious objection to these particular item.
2 The Problem of Abortifacient Drugs
- By requiring coverage for all drugs approved for contraception and 'emergency contraception' by the FDA, the mandate includes drugs that can interfere with implantation in the womb and therefore destroy the early human embryo.
- One such drug already approved, 'Ella' (ulipristal), is similar to the abortion drug RU-486 in its formula and its ability to cause an abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy. The new health care reform law forbids HHS to mandate coverage of abortion, but it is doing so here.
3 Violating Religious Freedom and Rights of Conscience
- The rule has an incredible narrow religious exemption for 'religious employers' (not insurers, schools with student health plans, or families purchasing insurance). Even religious employers are exempt only if their purpose is to inculcate religious doctrine, they hire and serve mainly people of their own faith, and they qualify as a church or religious order in a narrow part of the tax code. Most religious institutions providing health, educational or charitable services to others have no protection. Jesus himself would not qualify as 'religious enough,' since he healed the needy regardless of religious affiliation and taught followers to do the same (see the parable of the Good Samaritan).
- HHC says this exemption is like those enacted by most states that have a contraceptive coverage mandate, but that is false. None of the state mandates covers as wide an array of health plans, and the great majority have broader protection for religious freedom.
- Many federal laws exempt individuals and institutions from having to take part in health services against their moral or religious convictions; some of these laws specifically protect from forced involvement in contraception or sterilization (http://old.usccb.org/prolife/issues/abortion/crmay08.pdf). HHS is violating this long federal tradition, and needs to return to it. Congress should also appreve the 'Respect for Rights of Conscience Act' (H.R. 1179, S. 1467) to ensure that this happens.
How important is the right of conscience in American tradition?
It has always been a paramount importance: 'No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against enterprises of the civil authority' (Thomas Jefferson, 1809). In the past, has the federal government respected conscientious objections to procedures such as sterilization that may violate religious beliefs or moral convictions? Yes. For example, a law in effect since 1973 says that no individual is required to take part in 'any part of a health service program or research activity funded in whole or in part under a program administered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services' if it is 'contrary to his religious beliefs or moral convictions' (42 USC 300a-7 (d). Even the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which requires most of its health plans to cover contraception, exempts religiously affiliated plans and protects the conscience rights of health professionals in the other plans. Currently no federal law requires anyone to purchase, sell, sponsor, or be covered by a private health plan that violates his or her consscience.
How has the Department of Health and Human Services departed from this policy?
By Issuing a mandate for coverage of sterization and contraceptives (including long-lasting injections and implants, and 'morning-after pills' that may cause an early abortion) in virtually all private health plans. In August 2011 HHS included these procedures in a list of 'preventive services for women' to be required in health plans issued on or after August 1, 2012. On January 20,2012, HHS reaffirmed its mandate while deferring enforcement against some religious employers until August 2013.
Is it appropriate to require coverage of these as 'preventive services'?
No. The other services on HHS's list seek to prevent serious disease - breast cancer, lung cancer, AIDS. Pregnancy is not a disease. The Institute of Medicine committee that compiled the 'preventive services' list for HHS said in its report that unintended pregnancy is a 'condition for which safe and effective prevention and treatment' need to be more widely available - setting the stage for mandated coverage of abortion as the 'treatment' when prevention fails. Note that women who suffer from infertility, which really is an illness, were ignored in this mandate.
Didn't HHS include a religious exemption?
Yes, an incredibly narrow 'religious employer' exemption that fails to protect many, perhaps most, religious employers. To be eligible an organization must meet four strict criteria, including the requirement that it both hire and serve primarily people of its own faith. Catholic schools and hospitals would have to eject their non-Catholic employees, students and patients, or purchase health coverage that violates their moral and religious teaching. Jesus and his apostles would not have been 'religious enough' for the exemption, since they healed and served people of different faiths. The exemption provides no protection at all to sponsors and providers of health plans for the general public, to pr0-life people who own business, or to individuals with a moral or religious objection to these procedures.
Isn't this an aspect of the Administration's drive for broader access to health care for all?
Whether or not it was intended that way, it has the opposite effect. People will not be free to keep the coverage they have now that respects their convictions. Organizations with many employees will have to violate their consciences or stop offering health benefits altogether. And resources needed to provide basic health care to the uninsured will be used instead to facilitate IUDs and Depo-Provera for those who already had ample coverage. This is a diversion away from universal health care.
But won't this provide 'free birth control' for American women?
That claim is false for two reasons. First, the coverage will be mandated, not a matter of free choice for any woman. Second, insurance companies will not be able to charge a co-pay or deductible for the coverage, so they will simply add the cost to the standard premium everyone has to pay - and among those being required to pay will be people who oppse it on conscience grounds. That is not victory for freedom.
By objecting to this coverage, is the Catholic Church discriminating against women?
Not at all. The Church's teaching against early abortion is based on respect for all human life, male and female. It's teaching against contraception and sterilization is based on respect for the power to help generate a new human life, a power held by both men and women - so health plans in accord with Catholic teaching do not cover male or female sterilization. It is the HHS mandate that shows disregard for women, by forcing them to purchase this coverage whether they want it or not.
Do religious employers violate the consciences of women who want birth control, by refusing to cover it in their employee health plans?
No, they simply decline to provide active support for procedures that violate their own consciences. If an employee disagrees, he or she can simply purchase that coverage or those procedures elsewhere.
What solution to this dispute would be acceptable?
Ideally, HHS can leave the law the way it has always been, so those who provide, sponsor and purchase health coverage can make their own decisions about whether to include these procedures without the federal government imposing one answer on everyone. If HHS refuses, it will be especially urgent for Congress to pass the 'Respect for Rights of Conscience Act' (HR 1179/S. 1467). to prevent health care reform act from being used to violate insurers' and purchasers' moral and religious beliefs.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, acting as Shephards, are alerting the faithful to the coming danger that will ensnare us all if we do not stand up against this terrible threat against human life and religious freedom.
This November will be the most important elections in our times. Pray the Rosary for the conversion of sinners, pray and fast for our nation as it is in great need for the Church to take a stand.
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Posted by
Catholic Defender
6:52 PM
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US Catholic Bishops.
*BEST OF DTB #134* The Catholic defender: State of Grace
My hats off to the Catholic Priesthood that refuses to give Holy Communion to practicing homosexuals! The following is a report from the Chicago AP: CHICAGO (AP) - Roman Catholic gay-rights supporters wearing rainbow-colored sashes to Mass were denied communion Sunday, while dozens in Minnesota had to walk around protesters to receive the holy sacrament.
About 10 people wearing the sashes stood in line to receive communion at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, but priests refused to give them the Eucharist. One priest shook each person's hand; another made the sign of the cross on their foreheads.
"The priest told me you cannot receive communion if you're wearing a sash, as per the Cardinal's direction," said James Luxton, a Chicago member of the Rainbow Sash Movement, an organization of Catholic gay-rights supporters with chapters around the country.
An internal memo from Chicago Cardinal Francis George that became public last week instructed priests not to give communion to people wearing the sashes, which the group's members wear every year for Pentecost. The memo says the sashes are a symbol of opposition to the church's doctrine on homosexuality and exploit the communion ritual.
"The Rainbow Sash movement wants its members to be fully accepted by the Church not on the same conditions as any Catholic but precisely as gay," George wrote. "With this comes the requirement that the Church change her moral teaching."
Rainbow Sash Movement spokesman Joe Murray was among those denied communion in Chicago. He said members wearing the sashes should be seen no differently than a uniformed police officer or Boy Scout seeking communion.
"What we saw today in the cathedral is discrimination at the Eucharistic table, and that shouldn't be happening," Murray said. Those denied communion returned to their pews, but stood while the rest of the congregation knelt.
The movement, which started about five years ago in England, also has members in Dallas, New Orleans, New York and Rochester, N.Y.
In St. Paul, Minn., people wearing the rainbow-colored sashes were given communion Sunday despite protests from some parishioners who kneeled in front of the altar blocking their way.
The Rev. Michael Skluzacek said in a written statement that both sides were "mistakenly using the Mass and the Eucharist to make their own personal statements."
Brian McNeill, organizer of the Rainbow Sash Alliance of the Twin Cities, said the local group has worn the sashes every Pentecost at St. Paul Cathedral since 2001, but the group had never experienced such a confrontation.
The Rainbow Sash Movement received an e-mail Tuesday from the Los Angeles Archdiocese inviting them to Mass on Sunday, but no one wearing sashes showed up for morning or midday Masses at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, archdiocese spokesman Tod Tamberg said.
A Vatican doctrinal decree last year directed at Catholic politicians said a well-formed conscience forbids support for any law that contradicts "fundamental" morality, with abortion listed first among relevant issues. A second Vatican statement said it is "gravely immoral" not to oppose legalization of same-sex unions.
CFPA: Thank God the church is taking this stand. We only wish that all of those Catholics practicing homosexuality would wear that sash every time they go to Communion.
St. Paul writes, "Therefore, my beloved, avoid idolatry. I am speaking as to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I am saying. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf" (1 Corinthians 10:14-17).
St. Paul is clear that we are all part of the body of Christ and this is seen through the breaking of the bread. If anyone is living in sin, serious sin, they are warned of the gravity of recieving the Eucharist unworthily.
Concerning idolatry, St. Paul warns, "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons" (1 Corinthians 10:21).
St. Paul makes it even more clear writing, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying" (1 Corinthian 11:26-30).
We are not to recieve God's grace in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1) and to avoid mortal serous sin (Galations 5:19-21). We need to pray for our leaders (Hebrew 13:18-19) that they will be strong in their leadership (1 Peter 5:1-5).
We also need to pray for those who are wayward, running from their faith.
The Prodigals need to come home to the Catholic Faith where they can get that total healing of mind, body, and soul, and spirit.
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About 10 people wearing the sashes stood in line to receive communion at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, but priests refused to give them the Eucharist. One priest shook each person's hand; another made the sign of the cross on their foreheads.
"The priest told me you cannot receive communion if you're wearing a sash, as per the Cardinal's direction," said James Luxton, a Chicago member of the Rainbow Sash Movement, an organization of Catholic gay-rights supporters with chapters around the country.
An internal memo from Chicago Cardinal Francis George that became public last week instructed priests not to give communion to people wearing the sashes, which the group's members wear every year for Pentecost. The memo says the sashes are a symbol of opposition to the church's doctrine on homosexuality and exploit the communion ritual.
"The Rainbow Sash movement wants its members to be fully accepted by the Church not on the same conditions as any Catholic but precisely as gay," George wrote. "With this comes the requirement that the Church change her moral teaching."
Rainbow Sash Movement spokesman Joe Murray was among those denied communion in Chicago. He said members wearing the sashes should be seen no differently than a uniformed police officer or Boy Scout seeking communion.
"What we saw today in the cathedral is discrimination at the Eucharistic table, and that shouldn't be happening," Murray said. Those denied communion returned to their pews, but stood while the rest of the congregation knelt.
The movement, which started about five years ago in England, also has members in Dallas, New Orleans, New York and Rochester, N.Y.
In St. Paul, Minn., people wearing the rainbow-colored sashes were given communion Sunday despite protests from some parishioners who kneeled in front of the altar blocking their way.
The Rev. Michael Skluzacek said in a written statement that both sides were "mistakenly using the Mass and the Eucharist to make their own personal statements."
Brian McNeill, organizer of the Rainbow Sash Alliance of the Twin Cities, said the local group has worn the sashes every Pentecost at St. Paul Cathedral since 2001, but the group had never experienced such a confrontation.
The Rainbow Sash Movement received an e-mail Tuesday from the Los Angeles Archdiocese inviting them to Mass on Sunday, but no one wearing sashes showed up for morning or midday Masses at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, archdiocese spokesman Tod Tamberg said.
A Vatican doctrinal decree last year directed at Catholic politicians said a well-formed conscience forbids support for any law that contradicts "fundamental" morality, with abortion listed first among relevant issues. A second Vatican statement said it is "gravely immoral" not to oppose legalization of same-sex unions.
CFPA: Thank God the church is taking this stand. We only wish that all of those Catholics practicing homosexuality would wear that sash every time they go to Communion.
St. Paul writes, "Therefore, my beloved, avoid idolatry. I am speaking as to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I am saying. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf" (1 Corinthians 10:14-17).
St. Paul is clear that we are all part of the body of Christ and this is seen through the breaking of the bread. If anyone is living in sin, serious sin, they are warned of the gravity of recieving the Eucharist unworthily.
Concerning idolatry, St. Paul warns, "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons" (1 Corinthians 10:21).
St. Paul makes it even more clear writing, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying" (1 Corinthian 11:26-30).
We are not to recieve God's grace in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1) and to avoid mortal serous sin (Galations 5:19-21). We need to pray for our leaders (Hebrew 13:18-19) that they will be strong in their leadership (1 Peter 5:1-5).
We also need to pray for those who are wayward, running from their faith.
The Prodigals need to come home to the Catholic Faith where they can get that total healing of mind, body, and soul, and spirit.
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Posted by
Catholic Defender
2:57 AM
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The Eucharist
Friday, January 27, 2012
*BEST OF DTB #133* Have a Coke!
You should keep soda drinking to a minimum. However, if you must have a soda, have a Coke (or a Coca-Cola product)
Boycott Pepsico and all their products.
Aborted baby sweeteners? Not for me.
I never dreamed I would have to say that.
PS. This post is our #1 ranked post of all-time but we would appreciate you checking out some of our other stuff. Please go to Deepertruthblog.com for all kinds of links to some of our best stuff. Thanks.
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Boycott Pepsico and all their products.
Aborted baby sweeteners? Not for me.
I never dreamed I would have to say that.
PS. This post is our #1 ranked post of all-time but we would appreciate you checking out some of our other stuff. Please go to Deepertruthblog.com for all kinds of links to some of our best stuff. Thanks.
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*BEST OF DTB #132* The Catholic Defender: The Gianna Jessen Story
I do not know of a greater human witness for life than listening to Gianna Jessen tell her story.
I remember seeing here on Hannity and Combs and other shows that interviewed her. What a stumbling block to the Pro-Abortionist!
Just as we have the opportunity to witness the testimony of Gianna, every unborn child is fully known by God (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalms 139:13-15).
Every last one of them stand before the Lord reminding Him of their executioners (Matthew 18:10).
Matthew really brings this home to me! "At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, 'Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a child over (tradition says this was St. Ignatius of Antioich, Discipled later on by St. John), placed it in their midst, and said, 'Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me" (Matthew 18:1-5).
We must come to the Lord as a child! Yet, our society has made war upon the child, casualties of the Sexual Revolution.
In the United States, for 40 years we have killed nearly 60,000,000 unborn children. There is no polite way to put this? There is no nice way to say this?
This war made upon the unborn child will have it's consequence. Jesus warns, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew is not making Jesus out to be a "pacifist" here)! Jesus is giving a stern warning, "Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!" (Matthew 18:6-7).
The arrogant, the secularist want to close the book on the issues of faith in our land. They want to hide the truth of God's word among the nations so they can further their agenda upon an unwilling world. Groups like the ACLU and the liberal establishment want to take the image of Christ out of the public square. As long as I am alive, this will not happen! Please listen to the following story as Gianna Jessen's Story is a miracle. Here are both, part 1 and part 2 of her story.
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I remember seeing here on Hannity and Combs and other shows that interviewed her. What a stumbling block to the Pro-Abortionist!
Just as we have the opportunity to witness the testimony of Gianna, every unborn child is fully known by God (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalms 139:13-15).
Every last one of them stand before the Lord reminding Him of their executioners (Matthew 18:10).
Matthew really brings this home to me! "At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, 'Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a child over (tradition says this was St. Ignatius of Antioich, Discipled later on by St. John), placed it in their midst, and said, 'Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me" (Matthew 18:1-5).
We must come to the Lord as a child! Yet, our society has made war upon the child, casualties of the Sexual Revolution.
In the United States, for 40 years we have killed nearly 60,000,000 unborn children. There is no polite way to put this? There is no nice way to say this?
This war made upon the unborn child will have it's consequence. Jesus warns, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew is not making Jesus out to be a "pacifist" here)! Jesus is giving a stern warning, "Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!" (Matthew 18:6-7).
The arrogant, the secularist want to close the book on the issues of faith in our land. They want to hide the truth of God's word among the nations so they can further their agenda upon an unwilling world. Groups like the ACLU and the liberal establishment want to take the image of Christ out of the public square. As long as I am alive, this will not happen! Please listen to the following story as Gianna Jessen's Story is a miracle. Here are both, part 1 and part 2 of her story.
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Posted by
Catholic Defender
10:34 AM
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Abortion Survivor,
Gianna Jesson
Thursday, January 26, 2012
*BEST OF DTB #131* The Catholic Defender: Welcome Home Sandra
The following is a conversion story from one of our newest Members of deepertruth and the Catholic Faith! She is one of the leading ladies of deepertruth. Her story is printed on Catholic Apologist Steve Ray's web site: www.catholic-convert.com
Sandra's story has been very inspiring and I must admit, she is a thorn in the side of the anti-Catholics on YouTube! They would zero in on her and others like a chicken hawk but it didn't take long before they would walk a mile around her channel!
Sandra Reads Herself into the Catholic Church
by Steve Ray on January 26, 2012
My conversion story will probably sound like every other convert story. You hear the phrase from a lot of converts to the Catholic Church, “I read myself into the Catholic Church.” Read what? Well, it was a shocker when I found out. Some guys who are known by Catholics as the “Church Fathers”, you have probably heard about them… If you haven’t heard about them already, I must warn that these fellows are dangerous for Protestants. Not that they are bad or anything, but because of the long line of succession that leads you all the way to the place some, if not most protestants, will say is the ‘Church of Popes’. Yeah, you guessed it… the Catholic Church.
God must be angry!
Well, just to get it out there… I wasn’t opposed to the Catholic Church. I was never taught to be. My formation in my early years was focused on memorizing scripture verses, and morality. In my early years of schooling, I went to a Christian school for 4 years. But, I knew something was missing, but I didn’t know what. The day would start off with a worship service. It was pretty much some man or woman would get up, wearing a nice suit or tie, or a nice dress. Then he or she would read from scripture and then we would leave.
I remember after being told something by my teacher that really made me think, “Are we worshiping God, or the weather?” She told us (the class), “You can tell how God is feeling by the weather outside. If it’s a sunshine blue day outside, God is happy. If it’s raining, God is crying. If it’s thundering and lightning, God is mad.” Now, you have to understand how this sounds to an intelligent kid. I may have been small, but I am not stupid.
After our teacher said this, I went to reason. Reason and common sense said that God is indeed the Creator, and that creation
is the handy work of his hands. But, to me, what the teacher had told us sounded like if God could be manipulated. Then I thought, “Well, my mother says that down in Florida we receive hurricanes. So, when a hurricane comes, does that mean God is wigging out?” Soon after, I lost my faith and left Christianity.
I didn’t totally lose my faith, because I knew that there was a God, I just didn’t know if it was the God of Christianity. After leaving this school, I went to a school that didn’t teach any type of religion. Fast forward a few years, and I was in about 6th or 7th grade, or it could have been 6 and 7th grade; I noticed my friends were continually asking me, “Sandra do you want to attend CCD? It will be fun.” And I asked, “Does it have to do with the Bible?” They replied, “Yes, but come on! It’s fun!” Now, at this point in my life, theology was not in my ‘of interest’category. So I respectfully did not accept the invitation to go. Little did I know what was going to happen later on in life.
So, for 2 years I did not accept the invitation to attend CCD. And this continued and after a while, my friends just had quit asking me. Anyway, fast forward to my 8th or 9th grade year. One my teachers walked in during English class If I remember correctly, or maybe I was sent to give something to the vice principle of the school. Anyway, the principle of the elementary school was there, and I hear my teacher say, “Oh excuse me sister.”
I thought, “Sister? I doubt that they are related.” Then he explains to us that, he isn’t referring to the ‘sister’ as blood relation, but ‘sister’ as a nun. This was a shock to me, because for whatever reason, I had said that, “I am never talking to a priest or a nun.” The reason I even knew the words priest or nun was because, I saw the movie called The Sound of Music and Sister Act. I wasn’t taught anything Catholic, so the closest I came was by watching movies.
At this time to be honest, I didn’t even know there was such thing as the Catholic Church, but I did know that there is only 1 church. I should mention that, that nun was my 4th grade teacher who I love dearly as a teacher. So I thought, “Ok, I will make an exception for sisters, but I am still not going to be talking to priests.”
Fast forward and I had graduated from the school. 9th grade was as far as you could go until you had to switch out, so I did. I knew all of my friends were going to a school which they used the abbreviation for, which they called ABC. So, I went to ABC for the sign up process. I was accepted into the school. Summer goes by, or should I say was almost over, and they were having the open house. My mother, my dad, and I went to the open house.
As we were driving there my mother tells me, “Sandrita, Catholics do things a little differently than when you went to the Christian school.” And I thought, “Well, how different can it be?” Oh, I was about to see for myself how different. We walked inside the school and made our way to the gym.
The 1st thing that caught my attention was when I met Father (a priest) for the first time. Now, father was dressed to the nines, robe and everything. But, I was baffled a little bit. I saw father wear the little hat that the Jewish people wear. So I was thinking, “Am I attending a Catholic school or a Jewish one?” I now knew the word Catholic from my mother. Well, during the tour of the school, I learned that the school abbreviation is not ABC, but ACCHS (Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School).
Archbishop is one word, not two separate words. Fast forward again, and 10th grade has started. Next thing I knew something called a Mass was upon us. I never heard of such thing. So mass started, it was our 1 a month mass where the whole entire school attended.
It soon occurred to me this is the equivalent to the Christian service that I had attended. But attending mass was way different. I found so many things to be Jewish. But Jesus was front and center throughout. Whereas what I attended, I am sorry to say, was all about the pastor. So, this was refreshing to attend. I noticed the cross comes in 1st, incense, robes, priests…ECT. I would later discover that everything is indeed Biblical. As the 3 years go by, I was becoming head over heels for the mass.
That’s right; I was slowly converting to the Catholic Church. Everything about the Catholic faith just made sense: the Sacraments, the Mass, the History…everything. I have to say, that I am extremely grateful and thankful for my teachers in those 3 years. My friends also played a big part, because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have gone to this Catholic school. I would be someplace else still looking for answers to the questions I had about Christianity.
I thank God for the Catholic Church that has answered all of those questions. For example: Where did the Bible come from? How come in the Old Testament, it is categorized into 4 main sections, and one of them is history, but no one seems to be teaching it? How come I never learned about what happened after the Bible? So on so forth.
My journey is kind of like the stages of a camp fire. It goes a little something like this: Beginning in my 10th grade year the spark had come. I call it the beginning of curiosity; my attention by God was captured.
In my 11 grade year, I became a smoldering ember that was beginning to smoke up. I call this the beginning of a relationship; God was teaching me how to pray. I made my first heartfelt prayer that year, and it still continues.
In my 12 grade year, that smoldering ember now had a small flame. I call this the beginning of being humbled; God used the history of His Church to knock me off my high horse. He knocked me off my horse called: Pride. I thought I knew everything, and that I didn’t need anyone. I learned that year, that I did need someone…His Church.
After graduation, the flame grew and until this day it hasn’t stopped growing. I have learned from the Church Fathers, I will give some examples:
1. St. Jerome
2. St. Ignatius of Loyola
3. St. Justin Martyr
4. St. Polycarp of Smyrna (who by the way was taught by St. John)
I have learned from people who are not only cradle Catholics, but also converts and reverts. Some of these people are:
1. Fr. Larry Richards
2. Dr. Scott Hahn
3. Steve Ray
4. Fr. Bill Casey (from the Fathers of Mercy)
5. Deacon Alex Jones
And of course, I thank everyone who has helped me along the way. I learned throughout my journey about Mercy and Forgiveness. I was witnessed to by my senior year theology teacher who is a permanent Deacon. When I needed spiritual guidance in my senior year, he listened. I should admit that I was reluctant at first, because like I had said in my early years, that I was never going to talk to a priest or anyone of that sort.
Well, like I have heard, “Never say never.” I experienced what Catholics experience in Confession; you feel about 1,000 pounds lighter; like a big chip has been lifted off of your shoulders. Towards the ending of my senior year of high school, I ended up asking the same deacon to baptize me. Actually, there is more to it than that… I must
confess that actually I was taking Communion without being baptized. I had been testing God about Communion and he had sent me a healthy guilt, which led me to asking him. I admit that I was jealous of Catholics, because I wanted the Eucharist. About 2 years later I went through R.C.I.A, and received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation. Thank God for His Church and the Sacraments! I love
being Catholic, and I wouldn’t leave it for anything! I hope you enjoyed my conversion story. God Bless † † † WE ARE ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC CHURCH!!
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Sandra's story has been very inspiring and I must admit, she is a thorn in the side of the anti-Catholics on YouTube! They would zero in on her and others like a chicken hawk but it didn't take long before they would walk a mile around her channel!
Sandra Reads Herself into the Catholic Church
by Steve Ray on January 26, 2012
My conversion story will probably sound like every other convert story. You hear the phrase from a lot of converts to the Catholic Church, “I read myself into the Catholic Church.” Read what? Well, it was a shocker when I found out. Some guys who are known by Catholics as the “Church Fathers”, you have probably heard about them… If you haven’t heard about them already, I must warn that these fellows are dangerous for Protestants. Not that they are bad or anything, but because of the long line of succession that leads you all the way to the place some, if not most protestants, will say is the ‘Church of Popes’. Yeah, you guessed it… the Catholic Church.
God must be angry!
Well, just to get it out there… I wasn’t opposed to the Catholic Church. I was never taught to be. My formation in my early years was focused on memorizing scripture verses, and morality. In my early years of schooling, I went to a Christian school for 4 years. But, I knew something was missing, but I didn’t know what. The day would start off with a worship service. It was pretty much some man or woman would get up, wearing a nice suit or tie, or a nice dress. Then he or she would read from scripture and then we would leave.
I remember after being told something by my teacher that really made me think, “Are we worshiping God, or the weather?” She told us (the class), “You can tell how God is feeling by the weather outside. If it’s a sunshine blue day outside, God is happy. If it’s raining, God is crying. If it’s thundering and lightning, God is mad.” Now, you have to understand how this sounds to an intelligent kid. I may have been small, but I am not stupid.
After our teacher said this, I went to reason. Reason and common sense said that God is indeed the Creator, and that creation
is the handy work of his hands. But, to me, what the teacher had told us sounded like if God could be manipulated. Then I thought, “Well, my mother says that down in Florida we receive hurricanes. So, when a hurricane comes, does that mean God is wigging out?” Soon after, I lost my faith and left Christianity.
I didn’t totally lose my faith, because I knew that there was a God, I just didn’t know if it was the God of Christianity. After leaving this school, I went to a school that didn’t teach any type of religion. Fast forward a few years, and I was in about 6th or 7th grade, or it could have been 6 and 7th grade; I noticed my friends were continually asking me, “Sandra do you want to attend CCD? It will be fun.” And I asked, “Does it have to do with the Bible?” They replied, “Yes, but come on! It’s fun!” Now, at this point in my life, theology was not in my ‘of interest’category. So I respectfully did not accept the invitation to go. Little did I know what was going to happen later on in life.
So, for 2 years I did not accept the invitation to attend CCD. And this continued and after a while, my friends just had quit asking me. Anyway, fast forward to my 8th or 9th grade year. One my teachers walked in during English class If I remember correctly, or maybe I was sent to give something to the vice principle of the school. Anyway, the principle of the elementary school was there, and I hear my teacher say, “Oh excuse me sister.”
I thought, “Sister? I doubt that they are related.” Then he explains to us that, he isn’t referring to the ‘sister’ as blood relation, but ‘sister’ as a nun. This was a shock to me, because for whatever reason, I had said that, “I am never talking to a priest or a nun.” The reason I even knew the words priest or nun was because, I saw the movie called The Sound of Music and Sister Act. I wasn’t taught anything Catholic, so the closest I came was by watching movies.
At this time to be honest, I didn’t even know there was such thing as the Catholic Church, but I did know that there is only 1 church. I should mention that, that nun was my 4th grade teacher who I love dearly as a teacher. So I thought, “Ok, I will make an exception for sisters, but I am still not going to be talking to priests.”
Fast forward and I had graduated from the school. 9th grade was as far as you could go until you had to switch out, so I did. I knew all of my friends were going to a school which they used the abbreviation for, which they called ABC. So, I went to ABC for the sign up process. I was accepted into the school. Summer goes by, or should I say was almost over, and they were having the open house. My mother, my dad, and I went to the open house.
As we were driving there my mother tells me, “Sandrita, Catholics do things a little differently than when you went to the Christian school.” And I thought, “Well, how different can it be?” Oh, I was about to see for myself how different. We walked inside the school and made our way to the gym.
The 1st thing that caught my attention was when I met Father (a priest) for the first time. Now, father was dressed to the nines, robe and everything. But, I was baffled a little bit. I saw father wear the little hat that the Jewish people wear. So I was thinking, “Am I attending a Catholic school or a Jewish one?” I now knew the word Catholic from my mother. Well, during the tour of the school, I learned that the school abbreviation is not ABC, but ACCHS (Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School).
Archbishop is one word, not two separate words. Fast forward again, and 10th grade has started. Next thing I knew something called a Mass was upon us. I never heard of such thing. So mass started, it was our 1 a month mass where the whole entire school attended.
It soon occurred to me this is the equivalent to the Christian service that I had attended. But attending mass was way different. I found so many things to be Jewish. But Jesus was front and center throughout. Whereas what I attended, I am sorry to say, was all about the pastor. So, this was refreshing to attend. I noticed the cross comes in 1st, incense, robes, priests…ECT. I would later discover that everything is indeed Biblical. As the 3 years go by, I was becoming head over heels for the mass.
That’s right; I was slowly converting to the Catholic Church. Everything about the Catholic faith just made sense: the Sacraments, the Mass, the History…everything. I have to say, that I am extremely grateful and thankful for my teachers in those 3 years. My friends also played a big part, because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have gone to this Catholic school. I would be someplace else still looking for answers to the questions I had about Christianity.
I thank God for the Catholic Church that has answered all of those questions. For example: Where did the Bible come from? How come in the Old Testament, it is categorized into 4 main sections, and one of them is history, but no one seems to be teaching it? How come I never learned about what happened after the Bible? So on so forth.
My journey is kind of like the stages of a camp fire. It goes a little something like this: Beginning in my 10th grade year the spark had come. I call it the beginning of curiosity; my attention by God was captured.
In my 11 grade year, I became a smoldering ember that was beginning to smoke up. I call this the beginning of a relationship; God was teaching me how to pray. I made my first heartfelt prayer that year, and it still continues.
In my 12 grade year, that smoldering ember now had a small flame. I call this the beginning of being humbled; God used the history of His Church to knock me off my high horse. He knocked me off my horse called: Pride. I thought I knew everything, and that I didn’t need anyone. I learned that year, that I did need someone…His Church.
After graduation, the flame grew and until this day it hasn’t stopped growing. I have learned from the Church Fathers, I will give some examples:
1. St. Jerome
2. St. Ignatius of Loyola
3. St. Justin Martyr
4. St. Polycarp of Smyrna (who by the way was taught by St. John)
I have learned from people who are not only cradle Catholics, but also converts and reverts. Some of these people are:
1. Fr. Larry Richards
2. Dr. Scott Hahn
3. Steve Ray
4. Fr. Bill Casey (from the Fathers of Mercy)
5. Deacon Alex Jones
And of course, I thank everyone who has helped me along the way. I learned throughout my journey about Mercy and Forgiveness. I was witnessed to by my senior year theology teacher who is a permanent Deacon. When I needed spiritual guidance in my senior year, he listened. I should admit that I was reluctant at first, because like I had said in my early years, that I was never going to talk to a priest or anyone of that sort.
Well, like I have heard, “Never say never.” I experienced what Catholics experience in Confession; you feel about 1,000 pounds lighter; like a big chip has been lifted off of your shoulders. Towards the ending of my senior year of high school, I ended up asking the same deacon to baptize me. Actually, there is more to it than that… I must
confess that actually I was taking Communion without being baptized. I had been testing God about Communion and he had sent me a healthy guilt, which led me to asking him. I admit that I was jealous of Catholics, because I wanted the Eucharist. About 2 years later I went through R.C.I.A, and received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation. Thank God for His Church and the Sacraments! I love
being Catholic, and I wouldn’t leave it for anything! I hope you enjoyed my conversion story. God Bless † † † WE ARE ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC CHURCH!!
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Posted by
Catholic Defender
5:26 PM
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Catholic Converts,
Steve Ray
*BEST OF DTB #130* The Catholic Defender: Hoax or is this real
Is this a hoax? I think that I will not be using Pepsi Products because of the following article from LifeNews.com. The title of the article, "Pepsi Shareholders Demand It Stop Using Aborted Fetal Cells", as someone who has been a Pepsi consumer, I am demanding they stop using Aborted Fetal Cells! Here is the article:
Pepsi shareholders have filed a shareholder resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission and PepsiCo demanding that the company has been contracting with a research firm that uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers.
As recently as May, Pepsi ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.
“The company’s key flavor programs focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products,” the Senomyx web site says. “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”
Debi Vinnedge, of the pro-life group Children of God for Life, explained, “What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”
In August 2010, PepsiCo entered into a four-year agreement with Senomyx for the development of artificial high-potency sweeteners for PepsiCo beverages. Under the contract, PepsiCo is paying $30 million to Senomyx for the research and future royalties on PepsiCo products sold using Senomyx technology. When the prolife group wrote both companies requesting they use one of several non-objectionable, viable cell lines listed in their patents, Senomyx did not respond. PepsiCo did reply however and insisted that its use of the research from Senomyx would produce “great tasting, lower-calorie beverages.”
With the boycott from supportive pro-life groups, including LifeNews.com, not changing PepiCo’s mind and further letters going unanswered, Vinnedge told LifeNews today the time has come for a resolution form shareholders.
“Shareholders have a right to know the truth about what PepsiCo is doing with their hard-earned savings,” she said. “PepsiCo’s lack of consideration to the public’s moral sensibilities has only served to fuel the fire and threatens stock values, retirement pensions and investments.”
Vinnedge said the PepsiCo shareholder who filed the resolution requested that “the Board of Directors adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.” She said she finds it ironic that PepsiCo’s own Code of Conduct boasts that they “deal with customers, suppliers, the public and our competitors in an ethical and appropriate manner.”
“There is nothing ethical or appropriate in the way they are exploiting the remains of an innocent aborted child,” noted Vinnedge.
Vinnedge said she has heard from many pro-life advocates upset by the information about Pepsi — including one 12-year-old Florida boy who learned of PepsiCo’s research from his mom’s prolife news reports and was upset enough to take action himself. At a recent 40 Days for Life event, he told attendees, “When I found out about this, I was sick to my stomach.
“I decided I wouldn’t let this happen so I came up with a way to boycott Pepsi products called United Schools for Life. This program will attempt to remove all Pepsi products from the schools in our diocese,” Gene, who hopes to educate others about what Pepsi is doing, said. Vinnedge was deeply moved by his initiative and courage.
“We hope that PepsiCo senior management gives serious consideration to what this boy has done,” she noted. “Even a child knows this is wrong. God bless him for standing up for the unborn who have no voice of their own!”
After contacting Pepsi with their concerns, the beverage and food products company responded via email to pro-life advocates with an unsigned form response from “Pepsi Consumer Relations.”
“Thank you for contacting us to share your sincere concerns,” the PepsiCo response says. “Please be assured that PepsiCo is committed to using only the highest ethical methods in all aspects of our research. This is something we take very seriously, and we hold ourselves and all of our research partners to the same high standards as the world’s leading research centers.”
The email continues: “With respect to the flavor discovery research with Senomyx, we utilize techniques that have been the gold standard for several decades by top universities, hospitals, U.S. government agencies, food and beverage companies, and essentially every pharmaceutical and biotech company in the world. Yet, there is some misinformation being circulated meant to distort what we’re doing and question our motives and those of other companies. This is unfortunate, and it is certainly not reflective of the work we are doing. We hope this information is helpful and reassuring. Thank you again for reaching out to us and allowing us to clarify the situation.”
In comments to LifeNews.com, Vinnedge says this is the latest example of PepsiCo avoiding or glossing over the criticism it receives.
“It seems that PepsiCo is simply not able to understand the concerns of consumers as they respond to their complaints with deceptive form letters,” she said.
“First, they tried to reassure the public their relationship with Senomyx was to produce “lower calorie great tasting beverages”. Then after our first press release March 29th, they tried to insinuate the reports were false and they were being accused of doing aborted fetal research,” Vinnedge explained. “Now, as the full boycott begins, they brush off using aborted fetal cell lines as an industry gold standard.”
“Well, we have a message for PepsiCo,” the pro-life advocate continued. “We who are pro-life have a “gold standard” too. And that means we defend the sanctity of all human life
including the remains of innocent aborted babies that PepsiCo is exploiting for profit.”
“If they want to boycott to end, they need to tell Senomyx to start using moral sources for their research and development or they will sever their contracts,” she concluded.
Senomyx boasts that it has over 800,000 unique flavors for foods, Vinnedge says, but cells expressing certain proteins produce a chemical signal when the flavors are introduced, which determines if they have achieved the proper flavor. The aborted fetal cells are not in the product itself.
Pro-life organizations are asking the public to boycott all Pepsi drink products and encourage consumers to contact Pepsi management requesting that they sever all ties with Senomyx. Consumers are also encouraged to contact Campbell Soup and thank them for responding to pro-life concerns.
Pro-life groups joining Children of God for Life in the boycott to date are: American Life League, Life Issues Institute, Concerned Women for America, Colorado Right to Life, American Right to Life, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, ALL Arizona, Central Nebraskans for Life, Pro-Life Waco, Houston Coalition for Life, Mother and Unborn Baby Fox Valley, Womankind, Billboards for Life, Movement for a Better America, Defenders of the Unborn, Focus Pregnancy Help Center, Idaho Chooses Life, EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers of NY, Four Seasons for Life, CREDO, Life Choices, STOPP Dallas, CA Right To Life, Human Life Alliance, International Right to Life Federation, Operation Rescue, the National Black Pro-Life Union, Black Students for Life, and Pro-Life Nation. LifeNews.com has joined the boycott call as well.
ACTION: Contact these companies…
Jamie Caulfield, Sr. VP
PepsiCo, Inc.
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 253-2000
As the gals would sing "kick the can", that is exactly what I plan to do!
Quick Update from "Children of God For Life: URGENT: ALL OKLAHOMA RESIDENTS: Contact your State Senator and tell them you want them to support Senator Shortey's SB 1418.
Not sure who your State Senator is? Go to www.oksenate.gov Bottom right hand corner - enter your address, city, zip to find your State Senator (not to be confused with US Senate)
For Immediate Release: January 26, 2012
Oklahoma Senator correct – mainstream media wrong: Aborted fetal cells are used in development of flavor enhancers for food products.
(Largo, FL) An onslaught of articles reported by the mainstream media earlier this week ranged from utter disbelief to crass remarks denigrating Oklahoma Senator Ralph Shortey (R) over the bill he introduced banning food products developed using aborted fetal material in his state.
Unfortunately for the media, the good Senator is correct.
“This is perhaps the worst case of irresponsible reporting by the mainstream media that we have witnessed in this millennium,” stated Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life who first broke the story in March 2011. “A simple fact check would have revealed that Senator Shortey is correct about how some of our foods are being produced.”
The focus is on San Francisco based biotech company Senomyx, who states on their website that, “We created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”
What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney cells) taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors.
As an example of just one of over 75 patents on file in which the aborted fetal cells are utilized, Senomyx states in US Patent number 7,297,543: “The invention provides a preferred mammalian cell lines, e.g., HEK-293 cells that stably express T1R2/T1R3 and G.sub..alpha.15 under inducible conditions. These cells are useful in cell-based assays for identifying compounds that elicit or modulate sweet taste.”
Senomyx has entered into agreements with food giants, PepsiCo, Nestles and Cadbury Adams LLC, a division of Kraft Foods in which the companies pay Senomyx for the research and development of the flavor enhancers and then continue to pay royalties on the products sold. Some of these companies already have products on the market in the US using Senomyx flavors, whereas PepsiCo’s products are still in the development stage.
Because of this, Children of God for Life began a massive worldwide boycott of PepsiCo beverages when they admitted that would be the focus of their Senomyx research collaboration.
“PepsiCo has the ability to request that Senomyx use one of the morally acceptable cell lines available,” noted Vinnedge. “Unlike Campbell Soup who listened to the public and severed ties with Senomyx, PepsiCo has referred to the research as the “gold standard” for the industry; they have openly misled the public and created a public relations nightmare for themselves!”
“We stand firmly and proudly behind Senator Shortey who had the courage to step forward and protect the people of his State who have a right to know about these products,” she added. “Shame on those in the mainstream media who never bothered to check the facts before they began assaulting his good name.”
Children of God for Life hope other states will join Oklahoma’s efforts as well.
The PepsiCo boycott has garnered the support of over 30 other US prolife organizations and has now extended to nearly a dozen foreign countries. A shareholder resolution filed late last year with the Security and Exchange Commission by a concerned stockholder would require that PepsiCo “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”
PepsiCo attorneys responded with a 36 page plea to the SEC in an attempt to quash the information. Both sides are currently awaiting the SEC ruling.
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Pepsi shareholders have filed a shareholder resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission and PepsiCo demanding that the company has been contracting with a research firm that uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers.
As recently as May, Pepsi ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.
“The company’s key flavor programs focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products,” the Senomyx web site says. “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”
Debi Vinnedge, of the pro-life group Children of God for Life, explained, “What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”
In August 2010, PepsiCo entered into a four-year agreement with Senomyx for the development of artificial high-potency sweeteners for PepsiCo beverages. Under the contract, PepsiCo is paying $30 million to Senomyx for the research and future royalties on PepsiCo products sold using Senomyx technology. When the prolife group wrote both companies requesting they use one of several non-objectionable, viable cell lines listed in their patents, Senomyx did not respond. PepsiCo did reply however and insisted that its use of the research from Senomyx would produce “great tasting, lower-calorie beverages.”
With the boycott from supportive pro-life groups, including LifeNews.com, not changing PepiCo’s mind and further letters going unanswered, Vinnedge told LifeNews today the time has come for a resolution form shareholders.
“Shareholders have a right to know the truth about what PepsiCo is doing with their hard-earned savings,” she said. “PepsiCo’s lack of consideration to the public’s moral sensibilities has only served to fuel the fire and threatens stock values, retirement pensions and investments.”
Vinnedge said the PepsiCo shareholder who filed the resolution requested that “the Board of Directors adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.” She said she finds it ironic that PepsiCo’s own Code of Conduct boasts that they “deal with customers, suppliers, the public and our competitors in an ethical and appropriate manner.”
“There is nothing ethical or appropriate in the way they are exploiting the remains of an innocent aborted child,” noted Vinnedge.
Vinnedge said she has heard from many pro-life advocates upset by the information about Pepsi — including one 12-year-old Florida boy who learned of PepsiCo’s research from his mom’s prolife news reports and was upset enough to take action himself. At a recent 40 Days for Life event, he told attendees, “When I found out about this, I was sick to my stomach.
“I decided I wouldn’t let this happen so I came up with a way to boycott Pepsi products called United Schools for Life. This program will attempt to remove all Pepsi products from the schools in our diocese,” Gene, who hopes to educate others about what Pepsi is doing, said. Vinnedge was deeply moved by his initiative and courage.
“We hope that PepsiCo senior management gives serious consideration to what this boy has done,” she noted. “Even a child knows this is wrong. God bless him for standing up for the unborn who have no voice of their own!”
After contacting Pepsi with their concerns, the beverage and food products company responded via email to pro-life advocates with an unsigned form response from “Pepsi Consumer Relations.”
“Thank you for contacting us to share your sincere concerns,” the PepsiCo response says. “Please be assured that PepsiCo is committed to using only the highest ethical methods in all aspects of our research. This is something we take very seriously, and we hold ourselves and all of our research partners to the same high standards as the world’s leading research centers.”
The email continues: “With respect to the flavor discovery research with Senomyx, we utilize techniques that have been the gold standard for several decades by top universities, hospitals, U.S. government agencies, food and beverage companies, and essentially every pharmaceutical and biotech company in the world. Yet, there is some misinformation being circulated meant to distort what we’re doing and question our motives and those of other companies. This is unfortunate, and it is certainly not reflective of the work we are doing. We hope this information is helpful and reassuring. Thank you again for reaching out to us and allowing us to clarify the situation.”
In comments to LifeNews.com, Vinnedge says this is the latest example of PepsiCo avoiding or glossing over the criticism it receives.
“It seems that PepsiCo is simply not able to understand the concerns of consumers as they respond to their complaints with deceptive form letters,” she said.
“First, they tried to reassure the public their relationship with Senomyx was to produce “lower calorie great tasting beverages”. Then after our first press release March 29th, they tried to insinuate the reports were false and they were being accused of doing aborted fetal research,” Vinnedge explained. “Now, as the full boycott begins, they brush off using aborted fetal cell lines as an industry gold standard.”
“Well, we have a message for PepsiCo,” the pro-life advocate continued. “We who are pro-life have a “gold standard” too. And that means we defend the sanctity of all human life
including the remains of innocent aborted babies that PepsiCo is exploiting for profit.”
“If they want to boycott to end, they need to tell Senomyx to start using moral sources for their research and development or they will sever their contracts,” she concluded.
Senomyx boasts that it has over 800,000 unique flavors for foods, Vinnedge says, but cells expressing certain proteins produce a chemical signal when the flavors are introduced, which determines if they have achieved the proper flavor. The aborted fetal cells are not in the product itself.
Pro-life organizations are asking the public to boycott all Pepsi drink products and encourage consumers to contact Pepsi management requesting that they sever all ties with Senomyx. Consumers are also encouraged to contact Campbell Soup and thank them for responding to pro-life concerns.
Pro-life groups joining Children of God for Life in the boycott to date are: American Life League, Life Issues Institute, Concerned Women for America, Colorado Right to Life, American Right to Life, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, ALL Arizona, Central Nebraskans for Life, Pro-Life Waco, Houston Coalition for Life, Mother and Unborn Baby Fox Valley, Womankind, Billboards for Life, Movement for a Better America, Defenders of the Unborn, Focus Pregnancy Help Center, Idaho Chooses Life, EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers of NY, Four Seasons for Life, CREDO, Life Choices, STOPP Dallas, CA Right To Life, Human Life Alliance, International Right to Life Federation, Operation Rescue, the National Black Pro-Life Union, Black Students for Life, and Pro-Life Nation. LifeNews.com has joined the boycott call as well.
ACTION: Contact these companies…
Jamie Caulfield, Sr. VP
PepsiCo, Inc.
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 253-2000
As the gals would sing "kick the can", that is exactly what I plan to do!
Quick Update from "Children of God For Life: URGENT: ALL OKLAHOMA RESIDENTS: Contact your State Senator and tell them you want them to support Senator Shortey's SB 1418.
Not sure who your State Senator is? Go to www.oksenate.gov Bottom right hand corner - enter your address, city, zip to find your State Senator (not to be confused with US Senate)
For Immediate Release: January 26, 2012
Oklahoma Senator correct – mainstream media wrong: Aborted fetal cells are used in development of flavor enhancers for food products.
(Largo, FL) An onslaught of articles reported by the mainstream media earlier this week ranged from utter disbelief to crass remarks denigrating Oklahoma Senator Ralph Shortey (R) over the bill he introduced banning food products developed using aborted fetal material in his state.
Unfortunately for the media, the good Senator is correct.
“This is perhaps the worst case of irresponsible reporting by the mainstream media that we have witnessed in this millennium,” stated Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life who first broke the story in March 2011. “A simple fact check would have revealed that Senator Shortey is correct about how some of our foods are being produced.”
The focus is on San Francisco based biotech company Senomyx, who states on their website that, “We created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”
What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney cells) taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors.
As an example of just one of over 75 patents on file in which the aborted fetal cells are utilized, Senomyx states in US Patent number 7,297,543: “The invention provides a preferred mammalian cell lines, e.g., HEK-293 cells that stably express T1R2/T1R3 and G.sub..alpha.15 under inducible conditions. These cells are useful in cell-based assays for identifying compounds that elicit or modulate sweet taste.”
Senomyx has entered into agreements with food giants, PepsiCo, Nestles and Cadbury Adams LLC, a division of Kraft Foods in which the companies pay Senomyx for the research and development of the flavor enhancers and then continue to pay royalties on the products sold. Some of these companies already have products on the market in the US using Senomyx flavors, whereas PepsiCo’s products are still in the development stage.
Because of this, Children of God for Life began a massive worldwide boycott of PepsiCo beverages when they admitted that would be the focus of their Senomyx research collaboration.
“PepsiCo has the ability to request that Senomyx use one of the morally acceptable cell lines available,” noted Vinnedge. “Unlike Campbell Soup who listened to the public and severed ties with Senomyx, PepsiCo has referred to the research as the “gold standard” for the industry; they have openly misled the public and created a public relations nightmare for themselves!”
“We stand firmly and proudly behind Senator Shortey who had the courage to step forward and protect the people of his State who have a right to know about these products,” she added. “Shame on those in the mainstream media who never bothered to check the facts before they began assaulting his good name.”
Children of God for Life hope other states will join Oklahoma’s efforts as well.
The PepsiCo boycott has garnered the support of over 30 other US prolife organizations and has now extended to nearly a dozen foreign countries. A shareholder resolution filed late last year with the Security and Exchange Commission by a concerned stockholder would require that PepsiCo “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”
PepsiCo attorneys responded with a 36 page plea to the SEC in an attempt to quash the information. Both sides are currently awaiting the SEC ruling.
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Catholic Defender
2:24 PM
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*BEST OF DTB #129* The Catholic Defender: The March for life
It was a great honor to be able to participate in the events covering the March for Life in Jefferson City Missouri.
This is our Second annual demonstration leading up to the Jefferson City Capital Building.
Dr. Gregory Thompson picked me up from the St. Louis Airport (Friday afternoon 3:10 P.M.) and from there we went to the Marian Convention where the Archbishop was going to say Mass.
We stayed there until about 1030 P.M after meeting one of Gregory's friends and members of the Convention.
By the time we arrived home near Humansville it was about 4:00 A.M. It was a great weekend as I was able to visit with both my Brother and our Dad. This was an important leg of the trip.
I went to Mass in Stockton Missouri as was given an opportunity to speak with the Confirmation class. That is always a joy to meet young people on fire for Jesus Christ.
On Monday, it was back to work as there was much to do to prepare for the upcoming events.
It was arranged for me to speak with a young man who was having questions about the faith. This was a nine hour debate and I really enjoyed the opportunity. In the end, he was firm in his resolve to go to Mass.
The bulk of time preceding the rally for Life, was knocking out last minute details.
I was invited to participate with the local RCIA in Marshall Missouri, which was a great blessing.
This year's keynote speaker for the rally was Ambassador Allen Keys. It was a great honor to have met him as he spoke at the Banquet and fundraiser the night before the March on the Capital Building.
I was seated at his table (deepertruth's John Benko and I were co-chairs of this table) and had the chance to hear his political views. The following is what writer Carolyn Marshall wrote of Ambassador Keys:
Dr. Keyes’ opening words were sharp: “God is made known by His judgment, and His judgment is upon us!” (viz. 9/11) He asked by how much we need to reduce the number of abortions. . . and the answer is ZERO. But even if the number gets that low, we will still be judged, because our real goal is the salvation of people. He underscored that by saying, “The scourge of abortion will not have ended until we have turned this nation back to God. Judgment is coming; we must say yes to the AUTHORITY OF GOD.” He concluded with saying that we are endowed with certain inalienable rights which are given—not by our President, nor our Constitution, nor our courts—but by GOD."
All of deepertruth was highly honored that Ambassador Keys appeared on our Friday evening radio show.
I totally surprized John with an imprompt interview which lead to one of our best shows of the year.
Later during this show, I was also honored to introduce Coach Dave Daubenmire. Coach is known for being challenged by the ACLU for praying with his football team.
He was also arrested for trying to bring a glass of water to Terri Schiavo, who was starved to death by the State of Florida. Coach flew to Florida to defend the life of Mrs. Schiavo whose husband wanted her to die.
You can hear the interview with Ambassador Keys and Coach Dave at www.deepertruthblog.com on the show entitled "Deeper Truth Friday Double Header".
Carolyn Marshall writes of Coach Daubenmire: Coach Daubenmire remonstrated us for loving our lives too much; we are supposed to be the salt of the earth—not the sugar or the honey. We have too great a fear of “offending” while Jesus, our Master, was known as the Rock of Offense.
He further challenged us with Matthew 5:41 (If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles), telling us that we suffer from the “Joe Paterno Syndrome.” God calls us to go above and beyond what the law requires; we must do what is moral, not just what is legal.
Since abortion was made legal in this land, there have been 53 million abortions. But considering all the progeny that would have come from all those abortions, conservatively, we have lost 100 million Americans since the decision of Roe v. Wade.
He closed with a final challenge to live a “second mile” lifestyle, exemplifying Romans 1:16—“For I am not ashamed of the gospel.” I met Coach last year during the Rally for Life as I was a participating speaker.
There was a good crowd of people ranging between 400 to 600 people. The March was lead by the cross carried by a number of people. Ambassador Allen Keys helped led the March carrying the cross. There is a history between Dr. Keys and this cross. Dr. Gregory Thompson and Dr. Keys were both arrested at Notre Dame for standing up for unborn children. This cross led that procession as well.
Another highlight of the March for life was speaker Briget VanMeans, a spokeswoman for ThriVe St. Louis, a proponent for the ultra-sound van.
I was aware of this tool to fight abortion through my friend Eric Genuis, who came to our home in Copperas Cove Texas promoting this very thing.
It is said that between 90-93% of women who see an ultra-sound picture of their baby keep their child.
This is why the Pro-abortionist do not want laws passed to ensure that women see these pictures.
These vans are set up with a team who are qualified to conduct ultra-sound, chart and talk to anyone who are willing for options other than abortion.
Carolyn Marshall writes of Bridget VanMeans:
Bridget, whose single mother miraculously chose not to abort her, is the president of ThriVe St. Louis, which has a mobile ultra-sound van. She urged us to have the boldness which David had before Goliath, when he said in I Samuel 17, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?” As David armed himself with 5 smooth stones, she urged us to have these 5 “stones:” 1. Be KIND. 2. Double down—whatever you’ve been doing for the unborn, do twice as much! 3. Believe God; the Spirit who revived Jesus from the dead is alive in you! 4. Double down in the Word. 5. Tell people about what’s going on in the pro-life movement. In fact, claim “We’re closing Planned Parenthood this year.”
Michael and Kathy Forck were important organizers of the Rally for Life. They are leaders for "40 Days For Life" in Central Missouri.
Gregory Thompson organized a gathering of people interested in deepertruth Apologetics so I was able to speak before a great group of on fire Catholics.
I had one final blessing before I flew off to Texas.
Kathy Forck and about 140 people marched seven times around the Columbia Missouri Planned Parenthood facility where they seek to bring in another abortionist to kill more children.
Let us continue our efforts to put a stop to this massive killing of human life. The following are some pictures that I took of the March For Life at Jefferson City Capital Building.
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This is our Second annual demonstration leading up to the Jefferson City Capital Building.
Dr. Gregory Thompson picked me up from the St. Louis Airport (Friday afternoon 3:10 P.M.) and from there we went to the Marian Convention where the Archbishop was going to say Mass.
We stayed there until about 1030 P.M after meeting one of Gregory's friends and members of the Convention.
By the time we arrived home near Humansville it was about 4:00 A.M. It was a great weekend as I was able to visit with both my Brother and our Dad. This was an important leg of the trip.
I went to Mass in Stockton Missouri as was given an opportunity to speak with the Confirmation class. That is always a joy to meet young people on fire for Jesus Christ.
On Monday, it was back to work as there was much to do to prepare for the upcoming events.
It was arranged for me to speak with a young man who was having questions about the faith. This was a nine hour debate and I really enjoyed the opportunity. In the end, he was firm in his resolve to go to Mass.
The bulk of time preceding the rally for Life, was knocking out last minute details.
I was invited to participate with the local RCIA in Marshall Missouri, which was a great blessing.
This year's keynote speaker for the rally was Ambassador Allen Keys. It was a great honor to have met him as he spoke at the Banquet and fundraiser the night before the March on the Capital Building.
I was seated at his table (deepertruth's John Benko and I were co-chairs of this table) and had the chance to hear his political views. The following is what writer Carolyn Marshall wrote of Ambassador Keys:
Dr. Keyes’ opening words were sharp: “God is made known by His judgment, and His judgment is upon us!” (viz. 9/11) He asked by how much we need to reduce the number of abortions. . . and the answer is ZERO. But even if the number gets that low, we will still be judged, because our real goal is the salvation of people. He underscored that by saying, “The scourge of abortion will not have ended until we have turned this nation back to God. Judgment is coming; we must say yes to the AUTHORITY OF GOD.” He concluded with saying that we are endowed with certain inalienable rights which are given—not by our President, nor our Constitution, nor our courts—but by GOD."
All of deepertruth was highly honored that Ambassador Keys appeared on our Friday evening radio show.
I totally surprized John with an imprompt interview which lead to one of our best shows of the year.
Later during this show, I was also honored to introduce Coach Dave Daubenmire. Coach is known for being challenged by the ACLU for praying with his football team.
He was also arrested for trying to bring a glass of water to Terri Schiavo, who was starved to death by the State of Florida. Coach flew to Florida to defend the life of Mrs. Schiavo whose husband wanted her to die.
You can hear the interview with Ambassador Keys and Coach Dave at www.deepertruthblog.com on the show entitled "Deeper Truth Friday Double Header".
Carolyn Marshall writes of Coach Daubenmire: Coach Daubenmire remonstrated us for loving our lives too much; we are supposed to be the salt of the earth—not the sugar or the honey. We have too great a fear of “offending” while Jesus, our Master, was known as the Rock of Offense.
He further challenged us with Matthew 5:41 (If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles), telling us that we suffer from the “Joe Paterno Syndrome.” God calls us to go above and beyond what the law requires; we must do what is moral, not just what is legal.
Since abortion was made legal in this land, there have been 53 million abortions. But considering all the progeny that would have come from all those abortions, conservatively, we have lost 100 million Americans since the decision of Roe v. Wade.
He closed with a final challenge to live a “second mile” lifestyle, exemplifying Romans 1:16—“For I am not ashamed of the gospel.” I met Coach last year during the Rally for Life as I was a participating speaker.
There was a good crowd of people ranging between 400 to 600 people. The March was lead by the cross carried by a number of people. Ambassador Allen Keys helped led the March carrying the cross. There is a history between Dr. Keys and this cross. Dr. Gregory Thompson and Dr. Keys were both arrested at Notre Dame for standing up for unborn children. This cross led that procession as well.
Another highlight of the March for life was speaker Briget VanMeans, a spokeswoman for ThriVe St. Louis, a proponent for the ultra-sound van.
I was aware of this tool to fight abortion through my friend Eric Genuis, who came to our home in Copperas Cove Texas promoting this very thing.
It is said that between 90-93% of women who see an ultra-sound picture of their baby keep their child.
This is why the Pro-abortionist do not want laws passed to ensure that women see these pictures.
These vans are set up with a team who are qualified to conduct ultra-sound, chart and talk to anyone who are willing for options other than abortion.
Carolyn Marshall writes of Bridget VanMeans:
Bridget, whose single mother miraculously chose not to abort her, is the president of ThriVe St. Louis, which has a mobile ultra-sound van. She urged us to have the boldness which David had before Goliath, when he said in I Samuel 17, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?” As David armed himself with 5 smooth stones, she urged us to have these 5 “stones:” 1. Be KIND. 2. Double down—whatever you’ve been doing for the unborn, do twice as much! 3. Believe God; the Spirit who revived Jesus from the dead is alive in you! 4. Double down in the Word. 5. Tell people about what’s going on in the pro-life movement. In fact, claim “We’re closing Planned Parenthood this year.”
Michael and Kathy Forck were important organizers of the Rally for Life. They are leaders for "40 Days For Life" in Central Missouri.
Gregory Thompson organized a gathering of people interested in deepertruth Apologetics so I was able to speak before a great group of on fire Catholics.
I had one final blessing before I flew off to Texas.
Kathy Forck and about 140 people marched seven times around the Columbia Missouri Planned Parenthood facility where they seek to bring in another abortionist to kill more children.
Let us continue our efforts to put a stop to this massive killing of human life. The following are some pictures that I took of the March For Life at Jefferson City Capital Building.
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Posted by
Catholic Defender
12:38 AM
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40 Days for Life,
Ambassador Allen Keys,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Catholic Defender: Obama's War on Catholicism
President Obama continues his war on God and the family with just about everything he introduces.
According to the Kaiser Health News, the Catholic Bishops are positioning themselves to sue the Government after Obama gave the Catholic Church an order to comply with his directive to push abortion and contraception in Catholic Hospitals.
USA Today reported that the Catholic Hospitals object to covering birth control.
There are more than 600 Catholic Hospitals represented by the Catholic Health Association, expressed great disappointment over Obama's directive.
Catholic and Evangelical organizations all enjoyed the freedom to follow their faith base, but storm clouds are gathering. Obama is rejecting their exemptions.
The following is a letter from Dan Cleveland, Opinions Editor:
"We can all agree that universal health care makes sense in that every American should be insured. That's why I can understand a defense of President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly known as 'Obamacare'. However, there are some shocking regulations that come with this reform which we should all be aware of, as they threaten one of our most basic human rights.
The details of the Obamacare act are being outlined under the Department of Health and Human Services. Under new provisions, which could take affect later this year, both public and private health care plans are required to cover preventative acts. This means surgical sterilization, all methods of contaception approved by the Food and Drug Administration, education and counseling must now be covered by health care, as mandated by the HHS.
This presents a problem. A number of these forms of contraceptives - including the "morning after" pill - may cause an already fertilized and implanted egg to die, thus destroying a human life as it begins its development into a child. Also included are surgical sterilizations, which makes it impossible for pregnancies to occur in the first place.
So why are these new HHS rulings such a big deal? First of all, we will all be paying for them, either in the insurance policy we'll have to buy or the taxes we'll have to pay. We are required by law to be insured, so that means everyone will be forced to pay for these policies in one way or another.
This is where the HHS rulings violate an essential freedom. The Obama administration is mandated that Americans insurance plans cover specific practices. Unfortunately, those practices force people who respect the sanctity of human life to disobey their beliefs. There are few exemptions to the HHS rulings, which will allow some religious employers, such as a Catholic Parish, to qualify. But most Catholics will be obligated under penalty of law to pay for what their church teaches is immoral. And a number of Catholic hospitals, organizations and schools will be faced with a tough choice: Either violate their principles in order to insure their employees, or face the consequences of breaking the law.
Another problem is that surgical sterilizations are being treated like necessary medical surgeries. We have to realize what we're talking about here: Pregnancy is not a disease. Neither is fertility. Rather, they are normal, healthy states of being. Why are we covering and forcing Americans to cover procedures that typically aren't necessary? Would you expect your boss to pay for your Botox injections?
These proposed changes by HHS are not in effect yet; if enough objections are brought up, their passage could be stalled. There are many Catholic organizations that will fight this, as will other religious organizations. But this grim future of aquashed religious freedom will be our fate unless we do something about it.
An article published Friday, Jan. 20, on thinkprogress.org called these changes a 'huge victory for women's health.' But when the government is able to force us to ignore our personal and religious beliefs, I can't see how anyone wins".
Pope Paul VI encyclical "Humanae Vitae" was very prophetic. He connected the evil of contaception to abortion.
He recognized how this would affect the family negatively as well as the epidemic of Sexually Transmitted Disease".
Obama is dangerously close to the tyranny of Antiochus, who tortured the seven brothers found in 2 Maccabees 7:1-42.
It will be difficult to follow the rules of Obama as it was to Antiochus who tortured those who would not eat pork, smashing the sensibilities of the servants of God.
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According to the Kaiser Health News, the Catholic Bishops are positioning themselves to sue the Government after Obama gave the Catholic Church an order to comply with his directive to push abortion and contraception in Catholic Hospitals.
USA Today reported that the Catholic Hospitals object to covering birth control.
There are more than 600 Catholic Hospitals represented by the Catholic Health Association, expressed great disappointment over Obama's directive.
Catholic and Evangelical organizations all enjoyed the freedom to follow their faith base, but storm clouds are gathering. Obama is rejecting their exemptions.
The following is a letter from Dan Cleveland, Opinions Editor:
"We can all agree that universal health care makes sense in that every American should be insured. That's why I can understand a defense of President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, commonly known as 'Obamacare'. However, there are some shocking regulations that come with this reform which we should all be aware of, as they threaten one of our most basic human rights.
The details of the Obamacare act are being outlined under the Department of Health and Human Services. Under new provisions, which could take affect later this year, both public and private health care plans are required to cover preventative acts. This means surgical sterilization, all methods of contaception approved by the Food and Drug Administration, education and counseling must now be covered by health care, as mandated by the HHS.
This presents a problem. A number of these forms of contraceptives - including the "morning after" pill - may cause an already fertilized and implanted egg to die, thus destroying a human life as it begins its development into a child. Also included are surgical sterilizations, which makes it impossible for pregnancies to occur in the first place.
So why are these new HHS rulings such a big deal? First of all, we will all be paying for them, either in the insurance policy we'll have to buy or the taxes we'll have to pay. We are required by law to be insured, so that means everyone will be forced to pay for these policies in one way or another.
This is where the HHS rulings violate an essential freedom. The Obama administration is mandated that Americans insurance plans cover specific practices. Unfortunately, those practices force people who respect the sanctity of human life to disobey their beliefs. There are few exemptions to the HHS rulings, which will allow some religious employers, such as a Catholic Parish, to qualify. But most Catholics will be obligated under penalty of law to pay for what their church teaches is immoral. And a number of Catholic hospitals, organizations and schools will be faced with a tough choice: Either violate their principles in order to insure their employees, or face the consequences of breaking the law.
Another problem is that surgical sterilizations are being treated like necessary medical surgeries. We have to realize what we're talking about here: Pregnancy is not a disease. Neither is fertility. Rather, they are normal, healthy states of being. Why are we covering and forcing Americans to cover procedures that typically aren't necessary? Would you expect your boss to pay for your Botox injections?
These proposed changes by HHS are not in effect yet; if enough objections are brought up, their passage could be stalled. There are many Catholic organizations that will fight this, as will other religious organizations. But this grim future of aquashed religious freedom will be our fate unless we do something about it.
An article published Friday, Jan. 20, on thinkprogress.org called these changes a 'huge victory for women's health.' But when the government is able to force us to ignore our personal and religious beliefs, I can't see how anyone wins".
Pope Paul VI encyclical "Humanae Vitae" was very prophetic. He connected the evil of contaception to abortion.
He recognized how this would affect the family negatively as well as the epidemic of Sexually Transmitted Disease".
Obama is dangerously close to the tyranny of Antiochus, who tortured the seven brothers found in 2 Maccabees 7:1-42.
It will be difficult to follow the rules of Obama as it was to Antiochus who tortured those who would not eat pork, smashing the sensibilities of the servants of God.
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Catholic Defender
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