The Old Testiment is filled with such passages that depicts a universal glorification of God. That was only possible with the establishment of the Catholic Faith.
Jesus sent the Church to go into all the nations to bring them the gospel. In teaching the gospel to the nations, the Kingdom of God is established preparing the world for the coming judgment when Jesus returns.
There are weeds that the enemy has planted among the wheat, but we are not to become dispair. Today there are many voices who want to challenge the Catholic Faith.
We are living in a tough time where the lack of knowledge is everywhere and many are crying out for the truth. At the same time, there are many who want tobe in the light of God's grace and seeking for Christ.

We can shin like the stars in the heavens simply by being faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Faith.
When you go to Holy Communion, you have the chance to renew the Covenant with the one who created the stars! The Catholic Church is the one true Faith founded by Jesus Christ. Can it be much more simple than that?
When you choose to follow Christ through his Church, you have opened yourself to the fullness of His truth. The Vatican is literally heaven's royal embassy and the earth is the mission field.

Today is the opportunity to take advantage of his mercy. He offers it so freely in the Sacrament of Confession, that great Sacrament of Mercy!
When you stand before him in judgment, would you not want to have this mercy he offers so freely?
Now is the time, the day of salvation. You might be a Catholic for a whole lifetime, yet, you need to go to Confession again! Do it with your heart and dedicate yourself to his service.
By doing so, you will be an affective witness to the nations who desperately need you this day. I am so thankful for the gift of grace offered to me through the Church.

We need to be thankful for this opportunity. The Church persecuted needs our prayer, but in many ways, we need their prayer! How many Catholics have abandoned their faith for less than 30 piece's of silver? Many of them far less than that.
Think of the heart of Christ who bears the lash of each and everyone? There is no such thing as a victimless sin because Jesus is the victim of every sin.
Do we want to be the light? Then we need to be ready to go the long haul because the Lord wants total commitment.
He does not call for half stepping nor nominal consent. He wants you! It's time to wake up and get ourselves on track because many souls will depend on it.
Just this morning in our Bible Study, a lady who had been out of the Church for years was present. She had married a Southern Baptist and abandoned the Catholic Faith for her lover. Thanks to some friends of mine at the Bible Study, she has decided to come hom after several years.

She came back to her seat with tears in her eyes. She is home. This is exactly what I am talking about.
We need to develop a holy attitude to do the right thing. To be that light so others can see and to have the wisdom to know when God is calling you!
It's been a while that I have released some of my heart, I too have been hit with everything but the kitchen sink.
But I try to always keep my heart open for any opportunity to serve my Lord. I want to thank John for this opportunity to share this apostolate with him on deepertruth.
Our mission statment is to know God, love God, and serve God. We are the one, holy, Catholoic, and apostolic, Church! We are part of a family that has God as our Father, Jesus our Brother, Mary out Mother, the Saints and angels our extended family.
That should get your exciters going!
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