Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Catholic Defender: Let Everything That Hath Breath

The past two Sundays we have had quite a ride! Easter Sunday, the most important Christian celebration and last Sunday, the Divine Mercy Sunday.

How important and central this is to the Christian witness to the world! Jesus is our Deliverer as he sets the captives free.

Acts 2:17-19 quotes Joel chapter 3, "It will come to pass in the last days, God says,'that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids I will pour out a portion of my spirit in those days, and they shall prophecy. And I will work wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below".

Mighty is the name of the Lord.The Apostles went to the nations preaching the good news and the Holy Spirit worked great signs among them and awe came over the people for the works God was doing.

Think of the dream of St. John Bosco with the two great pillars with the Eucharist and Our Lady.

The Catholic Church is seen as the great ship that is hooked up to the two pillars. Jesus promised the Church his protection, and seal.

Think of the many signs and wonders Our Lord has given His Catholic Church.

Eucharistic Miracles where Jesus shows his true presence among in the breaking of the bread.

There are several examples of Eucharistic Miracles that has a teaching behind it, many conversions as a result to these happenings.

Miracles of healing, both mind and body.

They all point to His Sacred Heart.

The Incorruptibles are a sign of the resurrection of the body.

There are several Saints whose bodies have not decayed, they look as if they are merely sleeping.

Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes France in 1858.

What a great sign Our Lord is giving to the faithful who believe in Him.

"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary, for those who do not believe no explanation will surfice".

There are many signs and wonders that we can share, many examples where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared to several people for the Glory of God.

Fatima Portugal, Lourdes France, Knock Ireland, Guadalupe Mexico are just a few that the Catholic Church has approved. These are all important signs and there are many more that I can reflect on.

With the events of the past couple of weeks I think it is also important to show the Glory of God in the things He has made.

His creation testifies to His Glory. The Mountains, the Valleys, the Oceans, the Sky, how great is Our Lord who is creator of all things.

Who made everything through the power of His will.

This same God who made the stars loves you so much and He offers Himself to the Father at every Mass with you in His heart.

We renew the Covenant with Jesus when we recieve the Eucharist. How Great is Our God!

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