Friday, November 23, 2012

The season that bind generations and breaks hearts

This is Thanksgiving weekend. It is the first weekend of a season of celebration that spans about a month and a half, ending on New Year's day or thereabouts. It begins with a flourish and ends with a flourish with about 40 days of joyous anticipation and frantic preparation in between.

The 4 day Thanksgiving weekend (though rarely in my life have I had all 4 days off) is an explosion of traditions, commencing with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in Mid-town Manhattan. Who doesn't remember Big Bird, Charlie Brown and Kermit the Frog being pulled down 34th street as the smell of turkey wafts through the home. For millions of excited kids, the arrival of Santa in Herald's Square signaled the start of the Christmas season.

The family would gather round the table with plates or trays full of turkey and stuffing and ham and corn, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, biscuits and gravy. Pies and Ice cream would almost certainly follow.

Then, in succession would be a parade of football games. The Detroit Lions would host the first game and the Dallas Cowboys the second. For us, this would sometimes be followed by a Thanksgiving Day family football game.

Black Friday would follow, with millions of irrational Americans trying to kill each other to get the latest toy.

On Friday and Saturday, more football- Notre Dame vs USC and, in year's past, Oklahoma against Nebraska.

It was during the midst of this Friday and Saturday that my family had our most cherished of traditions- buying, setting up and decorating the family Christmas Tree.
Yes, I do have a great deal of wonderful memories of this season.

Those memories are now bittersweet and painful because what this season holds is tainted with the moral sickness that is today's society- a disease of self delusion and selfishness that abhors everything that is good and decent and holy and demands that the world accept their debasement of our sacred faith and our sacred traditions.

For me, The Christmas season, which makes it's unofficial start now, is no longer the season of joy it once was. It is tinged with agonizing pain and inexpressible grief that is difficult to endure. The season starts with an American holiday that was intended as a day of giving thanks to the creator. It ends with the season in which we celebrate that creator coming to us as a man.

Yet, a lost world expects us to celebrate the Christmas season as a Christless season- a proposition that will never fly. It is the very height of arrogance, ignorance and gall. Imagine the God haters, stealing His season from us, remaking it in their own image and then having the audacity to try and force it on us. It is a recipe for rage and division, yet they act as if they do not understand our reaction. Among these is Barack Obama, our Muslim President who, laughingly, claims to be a Christian while bowing to Muslim leaders and taking every possible opportunity to pour derision on the Christian faith and it's beliefs. Unfortunately, the beliefs of this very misguided and narcissistic man have affected members of my own family who, despite all the plain evidence of his rancid corruption, evil ideology and abject incompetence, continue to hold him up as a pseudo messiah even as they reject the true light who came into the world.

It is a sword piercing my heart.

However, I must not fall prey to the notion that obstacles are road blocks. The reelection of Barack Obama, as undeniably tragic as it was, cannot be a cause for quitting the fight. True, it may too late to save the country but it is not too late to save souls.

The Christmas season itself is the ultimate expression of hope. As we enter this season, I will once again try to find that hope.

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