I retired from the Army after 26 year this past Summer and it has been a unique experience to see the real world as a civilian.
While I served in the Army, I was in charge of two Troop Medical Clinics, one Family Out-Patient Clinic, one Emergency Room, I was in charge of the Medical Element at the New Orleans MEPs, I was a Platoon Sergeant for a Cav Unit, for an infantry Unit, I was in charge of a lot of things.
I was responsible for thousands of people's health records, updates on shots, sick call, EMT Certifications, BLS, ACLS (extra), PALS (extra), thousands of Combat Life Savers, I can go on and on. I was called by a local VA Hospital for a job interview based from my resume and the referal of the local Human Resource Representative whom I knew.
I went to the interview highly prepared for the appointment. I just learned from Human Resource Representative that I was not chosen for the job because I did not exhibit knowledge? I could not believe what he was saying, as he also related to me that he could not believe their position.
He thought I would be a strong candidate for the job. I was interviewed by two Black Women who was biased against me because I am white, male, 55, and Christian.
You can pick which ever one or all of the above. I could not believe what I was hearing. Truth be known, I have more experience that the two who interviewed me.
How do you handle this kind of discrimination during these tough economic times?
Because of this I have experienced anger, shock, surprise, truly an upsetting experience. As I spoke with the Human Resource Representative, I was able to give him total recall of the interview, what I was asked, what my answer was and he was simply surpised.
The person who was hired was a female with not nearly the background that I have. So, what do you do? I had previously thought they felt I was over qualified for the job, but when I learned what they said, that was upsetting.
Anyone who knows me can relate that I can be intense, what ever position I was responsible for, I improved it drastically when I transferred out.
I continue to trust in God for His blessing, no matter what happens. I know that there are many Americans who can identify with the feelings I have felt the past couple of days.
It is not an easy road to follow, but what choice do you have? Especially when jobs are very difficult to find! The "Golden Rule" comes to mind, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
The bible teaches us not to let the sun go down on our anger (Ephesians 4:26) so we must work against harboring hard feelings against those who make such decisions.
It is important that you do not give up and allow despair to take over, people can feel overwhelmed because of their conditions.
People are losing their homes, their social status, their way of life. People are really hurting out there and I simply want to encourage you to stand strong and do not give way to temptation to despair.
I encourage you to change your tune if that is what you need to do. Hope and trust in the Lord, for He is faithful and true.
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