Thursday, February 23, 2012

* BEST OF DTB #140* Picking up the pace

Yesterday morning at Mass, I was struck by the unusually large number of cars in the parking lot and people in the pews- for a weekday mass, anyway. Apparently, it was not lost on the Priest, either. During his homily, he spoke of what he and his fellow priests described as the PACE Catholic. PACE, he explained, stands for Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Christmas and Easter.

The remarks got a chuckle but reminded me that we can all stand to pick up the pace, myself included. To be honest, I was a little upset with myself that I missed the Catholic roundtable show, Tuesday night and I was determined to make up for it be participating in Christie's Garden of Holiness, "have a miserable lent" show. Unfortunately, I was knocked out with a vicious migraine (It was actually making me nauseous as it felt like my eyeball is being projected from my head). A good night's sleep did not help much.

Now, I am not telling stories of woe to get sympathy points. Actually, the opposite is the case. I am realizing that one area in which I must pick up the pace is my health. Good intentions and commitments are not worth much if I lack the physical stamina to carry them out. Carrying 100 lbs of extra weight doesn't help that cause. That the 100 lbs of extra baggage represents an 85 lb drop from my all-time highs is reason for optimism but not for satisfaction. I have a long way to go and my family, my friends, my co-workers and my brothers and sisters in the faith are depending on me to get it done. I smiled a little as the scale this morning has me at a new 5 year low.

By the way, it just hit me, just as I am typing this..... my headache is going away. It's the coffee. I just realized that I had no caffeine yesterday. It would appear that my caffeine addiction is worse than I thought.

Picking up the pace does not mean perfection. It means that a commitment to God extends beyond 4 days a year and it extends past the Church. We must strive to better ourselves in all facets of our life- our jobs, our marriages, our extended families and our Christian outreach.

A wonderful counselor once told me that every person is 4 people- A spiritual person, an emotional person, an intellectual person and a physical person. Not only can I see, that I need improvement in all 4 areas, but I can see how each is dependent on the health of the other 3.

This lent, I pick up the pace.

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