So many things out there are so superficial and commercial that it is about making a quick buck.
Many of us see this in the world of politics and religion. People often times become very skeptical in regards to the news, the media because of their slant.
As a result, people seem to kind of drift along looking for something in the here and now.
We have generally lost sight of the more important details of our time.
The Catholic Faith stands in the middle of this as the only viable truth and reality that is locked on security.
Even so, the world goes after the Church because of rebellion. The Lord has raised great men and women in the past to help generations see and follow the light. Many of them are honored in our own "Catholic Hall of Fame" that offers us great role models, examples, and encouragement.
There are many great people today, some of the great converts of our time, Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Steve Ray, Tim Staples and Marcus Grodi are just a very short list.
Here at Deepertruth I am honored to team up with John Benko, Ross and Margie, Christie Martin, Richard Lane, and Dr. Gregory Thompson to name but a few.
Richard Lane is going throughout the Country doing missions that is having a great positive impact, Ross and Margie are Facebook Catholic Jedi Warriors defending the Catholic Faith, Russell Ford is developing a lay missionary outreach in Springfield Missouri, John Benko is our website Manager, there are so many things going on. Eric Genius is still touring playing incredible concerts!
Today, I want to give a special recognition to Dr. Gregory Thompson. On November 12, 2012, Fr. Kevin Gormley, Pastor of St. Peter Catholic Church from Marshall Missouri writes:
"Doctor Gregory Thompson is a parishioner here at St. Peter Church in Marshall, Mo. He retired from being Superintendent of Schools in Southern Missouri and presently commits himself to spreading a special devotion to Jesus and Mary and their great love for us. He has led a Devotion here at St. Peter to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in our Parish Hall. A large crowd attended and were inspired by the presentation given by Greg and a priest from our Diocese of Jefferson City. He has led presentations such as this in other parts of the state and beyond.
I'm aware that in our Catholic Church there are many forms of devotions and we select the ones that appeal to us. Obviously the same is true with regard to Dr. Greg's devotion.
If you are interested in Dr. Greg's Presentation; Sincerely, Enthusiasm, and Commitment, I recommend him to you"
Thank you Father Gormley for your support of Dr. Gregory Thompson. Here at Deepertruth, we give an enthusiastic "Amen"!
Dr. Gregory Thompson has organized pro-life rallies held at the Jefferson City Capital Building, he has organized Marian Conventions in Springfield Missouri, he has carried the cross at several abortion clinics from Columbia Missouri to Little Rock Arkansas to Mississippi.
Dr. Gregory Thompson was recognized last year as Deepertruth's "Man of the Year" because of all his contributions to include the Rosary, the Divine Mercy, and the regular Deepertruth Radio Show.
1 Timothy 4:7-9 states, "Avoid profane and silly myths. Train yourself for devotion, for, while physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance. For this we toil and struggle, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the savior of all, especially of those who believe".
It is a personal honor for me to continue the great role of reaching the lost with Dr. Gregory Thompson and Deepertruth. All the countless hours talking on the phone about our holy Catholic Faith and thinking of ways to promote the Faith with John and Greg, what a blessing!

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