The Social Organization of Sexuality (SOS-1994) hints at some of the difficulties facing American families today.
Consider the report that those who cohabit rarely practice their faith. That plays an important role in the lives of the contemporary American.
Without maintaining a firm foundation, the societal conditions emerge resulting in a growth of premarital sexual encounters.
As I will show, this has tremendous impact on society with great social consequences. I want to stress on the report that those who cohabit rarely practice their faith! Again, that plays an important role in the lives of the contemporary American.
I have shared this before, but it is as true today as it was yesterday. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) now are the most common diseases in America next to the common cold and flu. Each year nearly 20 million new STD cases are reported.
That equates to something like 55,000 people per day being diagnosed with an STD. Tragically, this includes more than 10,000,000 teenagers (and growing), per year. Recently, the hard cold reality, 1 in 4 Americans have been statistically been diagnosed with an STD, including young girls down to the age of 12.
It is important to note that today, there are more than 110,000,000 total infections of Americans with an STD. For many, young people may not know they have such a disease as 60-80% are infected with STD's that do not develop initial symptoms.
Because of the alarming rates today, female Soldiers are required to undergo annual Pap Smears because STD's such as gonorrhea can hide behind mild cases of bladder infection or a vaginal infection. Nearly 50% of Female Soldiers had been diagnosed with gonorrhea.
New strains of gonorrhea are resistant to penicillin so treatments vary, but this has become far to routine across America today.
We are certainly living in a very confusing time. American Family values have been totally ignored and rejected. Children are learning how to have sex thanks to our government run public school system.
As we have seen going back to the Kinsey studies, sex education early on were devoid of teaching social norms and morality. It's not surprising, with this knowledge, there are very little to say about values being offered with these programs in public schools.
This feeds right into the classic stereotypes of boys and girls moving towards puberty growing up. Teenage boys are out to make conquests and the girls are looking to be wanted, accepted, and loved.
As a result of the rejecting of our Christian foundations, there are many children being born out of wed-lock, many being born without Fathers. Many of the Fathers are "Dead Beat Dads" who care little for the children they help create.
This has hit the black community the hardest. They have a 70% plus rate of children born out of wed-lock. The book reports than Black men and women were more inclined to have "three or more partners in the last twelve months."
It is not easy for teenage mothers raising children and still go to school. Careers are put on hold as our youth are many times growing up to fast in a fast paced world.
Everything in the media want to make the culture of the sexual revolution look enticing, fun, even recreational, yet unfortunately, the reality of this glamorous life style is misery.
I am hearing that people are questioning why men are becoming less emotionally involved with members of the opposite sex. Is this why many men resort to homosexual relations? That could be a future study in itself.
It's interesting that the SOS (pardon the pun) reports that nearly half of co-habitations end within a year. Some might marry, but many end in divorce.
Tragically, the impact this has on Americans leads to more broken families. I think that is because "romance" is lost and the human heart is absent from the marriage
With the constant barrage on married couples, it would seem hard to find many aging couples out there. But they are out there! It is always great when we have couples celebrating their 50th anniversary in our Parish!
I maintain that there is a huge differences between desire and lust, about as wide a difference as marriage and prostitution.
Lust only cares about self-gratification where desire leads to wanting to please your spouse. Courtship used to be a major way to date, but not today, dating today, our social norms and expectations have turned our society upside down.
That is the per-marital condition. Within marriage, it is still showing that 70-80 percent of Americans still disaprove of adultery, maybe this is residual of a standard gone by, but it is still considered taboo.
In conclusion, it is evident that sexuality in America is like a two-headed coin, because of what we have learned, there are remarkable advances we can take that can enrich marital sexual health.
However, like a loaded gun, if sexuality is not properly understood it can literally destroy people. If sex was love, America would be a very loving Country. That does not seem to be the case. Sin destroys.
Matthew 19:4-6 He
answered, ”Have you not read that he who created them from the
beginning made them male and female, and said,’Therefore a man shall
leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two
shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What
therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
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