My Father was called home in February after a long and agonizing battle with cancer. My company did not even have the common decency to send a card. 6 weeks later, that same company laid me off.
The last 4 months have been consumed with finding and starting a job while finding, buying and moving in a house. I am happy to report that God came through in a big way on both fronts. Yesterday's housewarming was as joyous for pure vindication and over-coming as it was for the beautiful house itself. The new lawnmower, weedwacker, ceiling fan and gift cards we received as presents did not hurt either.
So, with humble thanks to my DTB partners, let's look at the latest addition to our best of collection.
255. Contraception
256. Lifting up the arms
257. A simple kind of man.
258. Habemus Papum
259. Yes, I was there.
260. The cup of Salvation
261. The SSG Cardenas story
262. Come out of her
263. The Golden cup vs the cup of salvation
264. St. John La Lande
265. The Sabbath Day
161. The Contraceptive mentality and NFP
162. Habemus Papum
163. Satanism convert
164. Zealous- Catholic hip-hop
165. Compassion fatigue
166. You gotta get up and try
167. The Father Calloway story
168. David L Gray
169. Pray and fast for Joseph J Farina
170. Steve Ray conversion revisited
171. Sister Mary Teresita
Thanks again to everybody.

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