Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Catholic Defender: United We Stand II

What a joy it is to participate and see young people becoming active in their Catholic Faith.

We have seen the growing, swelling numbers of young people taking part in the prolife movement all across the United States.

This helps keep a guy like me to stay young just to keep up with them. They are the future of the Church!

I want to leave to them a strong vibrant Church full of life in it's witness to the world.

The Late Great Pope John Paul II really did much to get the ball rolling and Pope Benedict had done well in keeping the fire burning.  Today, Pope Francis holds the Chair of Peter and we see how the media wants to twist everything he does.  We need to stand fast and be accountable to stand up for what is right.

The following is something that our Priest, Fr. Downey wrote to inspire the faithful:

Dear Brothers & Sisters, Now that the two major political parties have had their conventions and we are coming into the final leg of the presidential election season, it is important that we seriously consider who we plan to vote for.

To be a responsible citizen, one must be actively engaged (much like those out on the sidewalk with me this day) in ascertaining facts about each candidate and what positions they take regarding issues our country is currently facing.

Withdrawing and having a general sense of apathy is not only irresponsible, but could lead to the forfeiting of a fundamental right guaranteed by the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Voting should never be based on a popularity contest or the promotion of a certain interest group, but rather on our moral convictions.

Such convictions should be rooted in a well-informed conscience which we, the Catholic faithful, must strive for throughout the course of our lives.

Human reason elevated by the revelation of Christ through His Church are means by which we form our conscience.

The Catholic Church is the voice of Christ to the nations, the Church is the city shining on a hill. We are staging at an important time in history. The ability to proclaim the truth in the information age needs to be implimented.

All across the United States, people are participating with the "40 Days For Life" in every major city and location where there is an abortion clinic.

But it can't stop here, our vote this coming Novemeber is so important, the upcoming battle for the Senate will be very important.

Especially for us who believe in the traditional family unit.

Just look at what has happened the past seven years since Prince Harry Ried has become the Senate Majority Leader.

Through the Church and the people of good will, we must stand united for life. This is our calling for this generation.

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