About Ray Mooney
Ray Mooney enjoyed a 30+-year career in sales and marketing management before making his Total Consecration more than five years ago. He joined Priests for Life shortly thereafter, working in the organization’s travel and outreach departments.
After marrying and relocating in 2009, Ray joined the staff of Expectant Mother Care, a metro New York City agency that is credited with having saved more than 40,000 unborn babies from abortion since 1985. Ray opened the organization’s first full-time office in the Borough of Queens, managing it and the Expectant Mother Care location in the Borough of Brooklyn. He also assisted in fundraising and community-outreach efforts.
After meeting Executive Director Anthony Mullen and learning more about his efforts to promote and expand the Total Consecration, Ray joined the staff as National Coordinator of Parish Consecration. In his role, Ray establishes and maintains contact with those who have stepped up to be Parish Leaders, and he works to expand the reach of parish participation in the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
About Ray Mooney in his own words:
"I am a cradle Catholic, but it took a reversion in 2002 to bring me back to the Eucharist. I had sat in church at Mass for several years while it seemed like everyone else went to Communion but me...that was the loneliest feeling I ever have experienced. I returned to Communion early in the year, I then made the first of my 5 pilgrimages to Medjugorje that summer and then I made the first of my Total Consecrations on December 8. All in all, it was an incredible year.
I left life as I had know it behind in August of 2006 because of a miracle that occurred in Medjugorje and joined Priests for Life for several years. When I married in 2009 and moved to NYC, I joined a very large crisis pregnancy center and helped to extend its outreach in Queens.
I joined my boss and mentor Tony Mullen on October 13, 2010 as his National Director of Parish Consecration for MyConsecration.org. I spent that first day of work at the Nation Shrine of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA...on my birthday!! I feel so very blessed to be able to "work" many hours each week for Mother Mary. Our apostolate has been growing very rapidly over the last several years. I would say that we have shipped over 200,000 free books throughout the US and Canada since 2010 to individuals, prayer groups and especially Parish Consecrations. We have shipped as many as 2,000 books to a single parish.
In June I was blessed to be able to do several broadcasts on Radio Maria regarding the Total Consecration using Father Michael Gaitley's wonderful book "33 Days to Morning Glory which I will speak about Friday night. If you wish, you can listen to any of the first 3 broadcasts that I did last month to get some sense of my passion for this devotion.
You can also go to our website at www.myconsecration.org. You can listen archived broadcasts at
http://radiomaria.us/truedevotion/2013/06/06/june-06-2013/, http://radiomaria.us/truedevotion/2013/06/13/june-13-2013/ and http://radiomaria.us/truedevotion/2013/06/20/june-20-2013/
I am going to include some background information below to give you some idea of topics that you might want to discuss.
We feel that Father Gaitley's book is excellent for most people, especially young people. In addition to studying the works of St. Louis, Father Gaitley also studies the impact that St. Louis's work had on St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa and Blessed John Paul II so it connects with people like us in the 21st century.
I want you to know about our Leaders Packet which contains a DVD endorsed by Pope Benedict XVI featuring Cardinal Rigali and Tony Mullen. It works very well for group meetings to promote the Parish Consecration prior to the start date. You can see the DVD in segments on our website at http://www.myconsecration.org/index.php?option=com_hdflvplayer&view=player&layout=playerlayout&Itemid=7.
We were very blessed last year when our founder Tony Mullen was interviewed by Father Pacwa on EWTN Live with more than 5000 online orders for over 15,000 items. If you want to see or share the interview with people, it is now on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgsohFzUtYo.
We have set up a page on Facebook called My Consecration and I am asking you to check it out AND please click "Like" if you feel so inclined as more than 3300 others have done.
I am the National Director of Parish Consecration and I am very passionate about serving my Blessed Mother Mary in this capacity. So I send this with a prayer that, like me, you will feel called to help Jesus, through Mary, in their desire to Save Souls. Like many of you, I have become increasingly concerned about the rise of Satan in the present world and the probable loss of many souls as a result. We must act to try to bring as many people as possible into His light and form His Remnant by putting on the Full Armor of God!
MyConsecration.org is truly an alliance of Catholic organizations which discovered that they share common goals of saving souls and strengthening the Catholic Church through the St. Louis de Montfort Total Consecration to Jesus Though Mary.
The alliance is composed of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA, Lighthouse Catholic Media, St. Joseph Communication, Stewardship: A Mission of Faith and Children of the Father Foundation founded by Anthony Mullen who also founded MyConsecration.org.
The alliance is composed of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA, Lighthouse Catholic Media, St. Joseph Communication, Stewardship: A Mission of Faith and Children of the Father Foundation founded by Anthony Mullen who also founded MyConsecration.org.
We pray that you will feel called to help us in our efforts to reach out to many lukewarm Catholics and that they will then join us by Entrusting or Consecrating their lives to Jesus through His Mother Mary.
To Jesus Through Mary,
Ray Mooney
National Director of Parish Consecration
www.MyConsecration.orgRay Mooney
National Director of Parish Consecration
FB: My Consecration
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