Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Catholic Defender: Hells Bells

The battle lines are drawn and the effort to indoctrinate young people is in full swing. 

I recently took on an on line college course entitled "Sociology and Sexology" thinking I might be able to take the class.

Early on the Teacher (not named) made it clear they did not want scripture or anything Christian based involved in the discussions.

I will add that the Teacher did admit that she is an Atheist and regarded scripture too divisive. 

As the class progressed onward it is clear and plain to see why.  There is no fellowship between the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans (LBGT) lifestyles and Orthodox Christianity. 

The Progressive (liberal) movement have been developing curriculums to teach (beginning with) kindergarteners all the way up into the graduate level in college.  Reported on CNN Opinion, BlackinAmerica" from the article, "Same-Sex marriage will hurt families, society" it says:

"In Massachusetts, where a ruling legalized same-sex marriage in 2004, kids in public schools are reading books depicting same-sex families. At a California charter school in 2008, kindergartners' parents objected when a school newsletter alerted them to "National Coming Out Day;" a parent told a local ABC-TV affiliate that a teacher at the school screened a film to kindergartners the previous year showing gay families."

This is where I now find myself, I am not a teenager or young adult that can be so easily indoctrinated, but the effort imposed by Academic society is drastically complimentary to the Obama's Administration attack on faith and family.  The following is the most recent engagement between the Teacher and myself:

"This chapter is by far and away one of the most difficult for me to respond to because I cannot nor will not be able to approve of this kind of lifestyle under any circumstances.  Homophobia does not apply in any sense of the word.  I grew up watching the original Star Trek and I thought J. S. Cavalcante is extremely over the top.  It is one thing to understand that people act out their sexuality in various way, but this does not make it right.  We have moved towards the literal understanding and meaning of what hedonism is.  Basically, anything goes with no responsibility.  This will never be accepted in society by and large despite the attempts to indoctrinate young people away from their parents and their faith.  I most certainly can have compassion for those who choose to live outside of the norm.  The invention of sexual orientation is steeped in the progressive movements of the latter 18th Century.  I most certainly believe that most of these studies are flawed regardless if they are trying to tie the length of a persons fingers or the width of their ear canal.  None of it is proven.  To discover that they are "gay" is liken to someone who believes they were born a "witch", I have spoken with both camps, it is the same rhetoric.  Where ever there is a dominance of acceptance of the LGBT we see a decline of faith and family.  It is a really sad state because of the impact this has on families.  Suicide is at epidemic levels among those who practice unnatural sex.  You have to kill the conscience.  I know that some here do not like the use of scripture, but for many of us, this is really a defiance against what our faith is.  Love the sinner, hate the sin has been the motto in resisting such lifestyles.  For me, this is a difficult task because it really pushes the envelop to an "in your face" status."

"Again Donald, you are not taking a sociological perspective. This is not about agreeing or disagreeing about certain 'lifestyles" as much as it is about the various types of people who live in this society. The social fact remains that there are many sexualities and ways of expressing ones self. But when you start tying in religion once again, you begin to judge others who do not follow your very narrow worldview.

As a social scientist and a human being, I take great offense to the statement that 'in societies where there is acceptance of LGBT people that we see a decline in faith and family'. Where is your scholarly research? Where is your proof? It is your opinion.

Not everyone in this class agrees with what they read but they are able to look beyond gut reactions and moral judgments to talk about the material at hand. Even Mr. Cole questions his understanding of the material but he is able to critically think through his confusion because he wants to learn.

This posting shows me that you do not. Have you ever stopped to think that one of your classmates might be LGBT? Do you not have respect for your fellow classmates? Leave your judgments off of the weekly discussions.

And yes, I think homophobia describes your approach to the topic at hand - there is hatred and fear of individuals just because they don't believe the way you do.

You may think that I'm crossing the line but I have every right to ask that students analyze material using a sociological perspective and remain respectful to their classmates. It's in my syllabus. Read it for yourself."

I will give here an example of the material that we are presently covering:

The following is taken from the textbook entitled "Sexualities in Context, A Social Perspective" and the following comes from J.S. Cavalcante, "The Word Withheld". (Ironic that "The Word Withheld" is more than symbolic)

"They shed their cloths, leaving them where they fell, and dropped into Kirk's bunk together.  Spock slid his hands around Kirk's back and down to his ________ pulling Kirk against him.  He could not wait for the sensation of Kirks naked body against his; when he finally felt it, it was ecstasy.  Kirk was warm in some places and cool in others, his arms and chest and thighs like sculpted marble.  The pulse in his throat thrilled against Spock's lips.  Spock's hands shook as he caressed the curves of Kirk's backside.

     Kirk's hands were not particularly steady, either, as he stroked Spock's chest, carding his fingers through the curling black hair.  "You're beautiful," Kirk whispered, "and all of a sudden I'm as nervous as a teenager."

This definitely casts a very different objective of Star Trek??? This Chapter was entitled "The Alphabet Soup of Sexualities", which covers the "invention of Sexual Orientation quoting Gay publications such as the "Advocate".  (The Virgin Mary who is our true Advocate before the Lord is now replaced by a pro-Gay advocacy group?) 

This Chapter also covers that Christians and people like myself are homophobes.  The assertion is that those who oppose homosexuality on biblical grounds are "socialized into hegemonic masculinity", inspiring "hate crimes, murders, assaults (sexual, physical, and emotional), rapes, batteries, and other forms of violence."

This makes clear what the Teacher thinks of me when she writes, "And yes, I think homophobia describes your approach to the topic at hand - there is hatred and fear of individuals just because they don't believe the way you do."

I have never nor would I ever advocate violence against anyone, what is most important here is the violence that the LGBT brings upon themselves.  The following is from "Impact, a LGBT health and Development Program, White Paper, A healthy Chicago for LGBT youth".  This is coming from a pro-Gay site, think about the balance in reality?

Results show that Chicago LGBT youth report health disparities across all domains. In terms of mental health, LGBT youth were more likely to report depression and depressive symptoms, previous suicide attempts, and non-suicidal self-injury.
In terms of sexual health, LGBT youth were more likely to report sex risk behaviors, a deficit in HIV education, and in female-born youth, were more likely to report pregnancy. In terms of substance use, LGBT youth were more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana.  And finally, LGBT youth were more likely to report experiences of sexual violence and victimization. Taken together, these results indicate health disparities for Chicago LGBT youth are strong and pervasive. Due to the presence of these disparities at such a young age, they are likely to influence to health and well-being of LGBT Chicagoans throughout their lifespans.

Consider what the Teacher concludes in her response regarding another classmate "Even Mr. Cole questions his understanding of the material but he is able to critically think through his confusion because he wants to learn."  The obvious thing to conclude here is that if you oppose LGBT you are confused and you need to be enlightened to the truth behind this lifestyle.  There is no hell, no judgment, no right or wrong.  Can't we all just get along?

Mom and Dad, are you listening to this? This is centered on an extreme Progressive position that is out to indoctrinate your children from the earliest age down to the Academic.  This is being made into a science taught with the same assurance to math, reading, and history.  Even Catholic Schools must be really vented before sending your children to school. 

I took this course with the intent of testing my compassion for the sinner and humanity, but this is a clear case of pure indoctrination bent to reform America.   Know that when you start seeing commercials of children playing with toys of the opposite sex, this is part of a process to change America.  They want to take away the meaning of Christmas, but they want you to buy their new gospel?

Hell bells, another entrapment set out by the enemies of God.  We are being conditioned and desensitized to join them.  The scriptures and the teaching of the Church is clear about this.  Mother Mary reminds us that more souls go to hell because of the sins of the flesh than any other reason.  Do we think that we are smarter than He, surely not!

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