This past week was a great wild ride that began with my driving 10 hours from Copperas Cove Texas to Humansville Missouri where I met Dr. Gregory Thompson and some friends from Michigan.
The long months of preparation getting ready for the March for life Rally at Jefferson City were about to unfold.
Dr Gregory Thompson (America Asleep kNOw more) was one of the main organizers of the event.
I would meet Mrs Kathie Forck (40 Days for Life) who was the other principle organizer.
Mrs Forck had said, "We want abortion to be unthinkable, even if it is legal... We need to bring chastity and purity back into this country".
Dr. Thompson had a couple of friends from Ohio who also came to speak at the event. Coach Daubenmire, a close friend to Dr. Gregory Thompson and a member of America Asleep kNOw More, was attacked by the ACLU for praying with his football team before a game.
It was reported that about 600 people participated in the Rally supporting life from the moment of conception until natural death.
The cross leading the way in this picture was the same cross used by Dr. Gregory Thompson when he was among 88 faithful Catholics arrested at Notre Dame.
Fr. Vincent Bertrand, a priest of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese, reported that two abortion faculties had recently closed down.
That drew delightful applause from the crowd. People from throughout the State of Missouri braved the cold and deep snow fall to participate in the Rally. There will be more to follow! Several States held similar pro-life Rally's across the Country. The March in Washington D.C. drew hundreds of thousands of people.
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