That chat Room will open about 15 minutes before. If you wish to be able to post in the chat room, a free registration at Blogtalkradio is required.
The call-in number is 646-595-2071. We will not take callers during the actual debate but may afterwords, time allowing. If you want to listen online, go here. The show will begin playing at it's scheduled time.
This link will be an active show notes link at the time of the show and after. If George provides us a supplemental link, we will post it as a courtesy.
Moderating this debate will be Jimmy Z of the Jimmy Z show.
There will be a question and answer period. You can post questions in the chat room for his consideration or email them to him. For the record, I will send him 10 possible questions for consideration for my opponent. My opponent is certainly entitled to do the same.
The debate is scheduled this way.
John Opening Remarks: 10 minutes
George Rebuttal: 5 minutes
George Opening remarks: 10 minutes
John Rebuttal: 5 minutes
Moderator questions : 2o minutes
John Closing remarks: 5 minutes
George Closing remarks: 5 minutes
The moderator will enforce time limits, civility, that debaters stay on point and that there is no talkover. Please email any questions
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