The show starts at 8:00 PM Eastern time, Right here. Remember to register for a free Blog Talk Radio account if you wish to chat in the caht room.
The call-in number is 646-595-2071. We will try to take calls later in the program.
The debate will, once again, by modearted by Jimmy Z of the Jimmy Z show
and will follow roughly the same format as last time, with some minor changes.
- Jimmy Z's opening remarks.
- George Lujack opening statement (up to 10 minutes)
- John Benko rebuttal (up to 5 minutes)
- John Benko opening statement.
- George Lujack Rebuttal
- Moderator question and answer session. (Up to 20 minutes)
- George Lujack closing remarks.
- John Benko closing remarks.
- Audience questions, if applicable not to be taken until after closing remarks. Limit 1 question with a follow-up if needed.
Once again, Jimmy Z will choose questions from among those pre-submitted.
Here is the link for the show notes, which will be active at show time.
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