We are quickly moving towards this Saturday's Pro-life Rally at the State Capital Building in Jefferson City Missouri. Our mission is to help Christians come together as the Body of Christ to do God’s will. Our strategy is to pray, discuss, and act on past and current issues that are detrimental to the good of our Christian nation and our souls. Our objective is to help wake up Christians, to stop the moral decline in our country, and to put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions. We put our complete trust in Christ to guide our steps, to give us direction, and to surround us with HIS presence, Power, Protection, and Blessings. We must continually edify and encourage each other to stay in the battle as humble servant warriors for the King of Kings, for the lives and souls of HIS children.
40 Days for Life is an intensive pro-life campaign that focuses on 40 days of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and grassroots educational outreach. The 40-day time frame is drawn from examples throughout Biblical history where God brought about world-changing transformation in 40-day periods. Our Spring Campaign will run from March 9 to April 17, and we will be praying outside the Planned Parenthood at 711 Providence Rd in Columbia, MO. If you are interested in joining this effort and helping to make a life-saving impact, please contact Mike and Kathy Forck at 573-491-3522.
Missouri’s First Annual
March and Rally for LIFE
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Speakers at the event:
Bishop James Johnston
Considering the more than 50 million lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade, the suffering of women and families who carry the burdens associated with abortion, and the undermining of the dignity of human life, Bishop Johnston of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese encourages placing all these things at the feet of Jesus for His help and healing; only God can address these wounds. He invites everyone to respond with love but also great resolve, to be advocates for human life and witnesses to hope, praying and fasting for the conversion of America, that it may once again become a safe place for the weakest and most vulnerable—particularly the unborn.
Coach Dave Daubenmire
Following a successful battle with the ACLU to defend his first amendment rights, Coach Dave Daubenmire founded Pass the Salt Ministries, and Minutemen United, to encourage Christians to engage in the cultural war. He participates in Shake the Nation conferences; delivers a weekly radio show from Columbus, Ohio; has written the book A Season Ordered by the Lord; and has co-authored Where Are Our Shepherds.
Fr. Dylan Schrader
A newly ordained priest of the Jefferson City Diocese, Fr. Schrader is an associate pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes in Columbia, MO. He is a 40 Days for Life core team member who participates regularly in the peaceful prayer vigil outside the local Planned Parenthood, praying to God for an end to abortion.
Dr. Patrick Johnston
A family practice physician, Dr. Johnston founded the Association of Pro-Life Physicians (www.ProLifePhysicians.org), dedicated to promoting life and not giving referrals for abortion, and the Alliance to Reform Education Funding, which promotes Christian education for every Christian child and resists the ungodliness of public education. He and his wife, Elizabeth, are committed to revival in the church, and to the restoration of Biblical law and constitutional government in America.
Sgt. Donald Hartley
A Veteran for Life, Sgt. Hartley served as an Army Medic for 26 years. Awarded Two Bronze Star Medals for recent action in Iraq. Responsible for over 8,000 combat patrol missions, he led teams of medics into hostile areas, caring for over 400 soldiers with traumatic injuries. Upholding the oath he took to "protect and defend the Constitution of the U.S. against all enemies, both foreign and domestic," he stands with other veterans against all who put the lives and souls of children in harm’s way. A servant of the King of Kings, he calls for civil leaders to put an end to the American Holocaust: Abortion.
Fr. Vincent Bertrand
A priest of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese, Fr. Bertrand founded the SMSU Life Advocates and the Missouri Chapter of the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition. He was the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, and has been an active member of Voice for Life, Birthright, Missouri Right to Life, National Right to Life, and many other pro-life organizations for over 35 years.
Please keep the fire burning, the prayers to end abortion.
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