Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Catholic Defender: George Of The Jungle

George Lujack is on the war path as he expresses his opposition to the Catholic Church in the person of John Benko. He also want's to take a swipe at me, but that is useless ad hom coming from him.

What is disheartening is George of the Jungles attack upon the health of John Benko. George can't debate on the merit of the issue so he has to reduce himself of attacking John in the most personal way. That is the most savage tactic of the anti-Catholic.

George, as a Catholic, I believe in one God in three divine persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I know you reject this truth. I know that you reject the Catholic Faith because of what you think it is based on your google kingdom where you reign supreme. This is your jungle where you can live in complete harmony with yourself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the same George Lujack that was given more than 10 hours of debate where he was treated with total respect and given every chance to make his point. His personal attacks on John Benko reveal his true character:

"John Benko must have been that fat kid in school who couldn't play sports or win a medal. He still cannot. He now rewards himself. What a LOSER!"

George of the Jungle, you should look at the mirror when you attack John and look how far down the ladder of respect you have fallen?

Your "analysis" of some of our articles is fair game, though I do want to point out that I do like Tim Tebow and his conversion to the Catholic Faith would be a glorious thing. Many from his sideline is doing that very thing!

This seems to be stemming from this unholy alliance between George of the Jungle with Jimmy Z (Who I notice is becoming a frequent visiter to the google jungle of George, and Debra Smith. The unholy trinity is on the offensive and they are going personal because they can't go on the merits.

In this whole areana, I never went negative, and I respect Georges experience as a police officer. I stated that during the debates, it is sad that he has sunk this low to raise himself up. This is not the way to do it George of the Jungle.

(Editors Note) George, throughout the debates, you made all kinds of off topic false depictions of the Catholic Faith, and so, why would you be bothered if we returned the compliments about what you actually said? Your new rap song is coming straight from you. You defined yourself!

George calls this a "whine", I actually had fun with this one!

Debra, you say, "My goal is not to insult or anger Catholics with this blog. It is to educate them to the wrongs of Catholicism. It is also my goal to arm born again believers with the truth." That is offensive and it is an attack on Catholics who are true to the Lord Jesus Christ. You "smear Catholics by speaking falsely of them!

BTW, George, I love your band in the video!!!

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